Nothing hardcore about Jerry's ideas...
"JerryM, our resident hardcore theocrat, writes:" -- Beez
Spend a little time with the inaugural addresses of our presidents from Washington to Reagan and assess *their* attitudes on God and religion. Are they all "hardcore"? Naw, by your measure, they'd most assuredly be "extreme".
Bless their radical souls! All that talk of Freedom, Liberty and God-given Rights!
I've no idea why anyone would criticize Jerry or me for believing in a benevolent and loving God; seems to me that's much more rational than presuming that we're all just a huge cosmic accident arising from a speck of meteorite detritus.
RE: the Libertarian [or classic liberal] philosophy and mainstream religion...
With certain glaring examples [support of abortion, for instance], I find a lot of compatibility. We are flawed humans who should be [will be?] allowed to make our mistakes and suffer the consequences for them.
To me, a life lived by certain principles is much to be desired. As a Christian, beyond the obvious and single most important, I can pretty well sum them up into one: the Golden Rule.
And not even the Clinton Administration could be saddled with the infamous "natural law"...although they certainly gave it their best [worst] shot.
Tell me, do you think the world would be better or worse off if everyone lived by the Ten Commandments?
"...preparing for the dark days towards which both parties are leading us, albeit at different speeds."
If by this you are implying that we are headed downhill as a country and a civilization, I regretfully agree...we are most definitely on the downslope past the apogee.
Even a casual student of history would have to agree.
Nevertheless, I am an optimist; and fervently hope my children and grandchildren are more so than I.
"JerryM, our resident hardcore theocrat, writes:" -- Beez
Spend a little time with the inaugural addresses of our presidents from Washington to Reagan and assess *their* attitudes on God and religion. Are they all "hardcore"? Naw, by your measure, they'd most assuredly be "extreme".
Bless their radical souls! All that talk of Freedom, Liberty and God-given Rights!
I've no idea why anyone would criticize Jerry or me for believing in a benevolent and loving God; seems to me that's much more rational than presuming that we're all just a huge cosmic accident arising from a speck of meteorite detritus.
RE: the Libertarian [or classic liberal] philosophy and mainstream religion...
With certain glaring examples [support of abortion, for instance], I find a lot of compatibility. We are flawed humans who should be [will be?] allowed to make our mistakes and suffer the consequences for them.
To me, a life lived by certain principles is much to be desired. As a Christian, beyond the obvious and single most important, I can pretty well sum them up into one: the Golden Rule.
And not even the Clinton Administration could be saddled with the infamous "natural law"...although they certainly gave it their best [worst] shot.
Tell me, do you think the world would be better or worse off if everyone lived by the Ten Commandments?
"...preparing for the dark days towards which both parties are leading us, albeit at different speeds."
If by this you are implying that we are headed downhill as a country and a civilization, I regretfully agree...we are most definitely on the downslope past the apogee.
Even a casual student of history would have to agree.
Nevertheless, I am an optimist; and fervently hope my children and grandchildren are more so than I.