Alcohol and Hunting

Camshaft, weed's a tranquilizer. Maybe they were calm enough to sit still and not wiggle around and tell Bambi of their presence. :)

Then again, a buddy of mine tried to grow his own, back in my woods. Trouble was, the deer all thought they'd found something better'n than oats or alfalfa! So, maybe these guys' pre-rolled joints were attractants...

I know deer will eat cigarettes, like candy. Start your own business: "Deer Lure".

I agree with much of what was said...i dont drink at all.

I just had to say this thread was a pleasure to read...some funny stuff here :) haha lol at that weed deer lure!
I guess I was about 12 when I first read, "Don't mix gunpowder and alcohol." I couldn't figure out why anybody would take powder from a cartridge case and take some rubbing alcohol...Well, duh! :D

Whether car or gun, impaired judgement or impaired physical condition is just dumber'n dirt.

As most of you here, I have heard some disaster hunting/alcohol stories. Going into my first hunt this fall, I plan on being as safe as possible while out and about looking to bag my first deer (wishful thinking on the deer, I know ;) )

Alcohol has it's time and place, and hunting while intoxicated is an accident waiting to happen. Nothin wrong with opening a cold beer after being out all day and your tired. In fact, I dont think there's anything better!

If however, I was in a group I would politely tell everyone to not drink until the day's hunt was over. I dont want to die, and if they won't comply easily then I just wont hunt with them. Period. It doesn't have to be anymore complicated than that, right?
I was at a gun range, Tacoma Sportsmens club, and was shocked and concerned when I went to thier mess hall to buy a Coke and found a cooler full of beer! I came out and told my partner, some guy with his kid of about 10 or 11 tells us that's the only reason he joined the club. I was very disturbed by this. Not only is he showing his stupidity but to do so in front of his kid is really bad IMO. What is he teaching his kid? What will that kid do when he grows up? I'll tell you what; keep the cycle going.
Lets all hunt and practice responsibly for our kids sake!!!!!!!!!:( :(
I like to drink but never when I'm hunting. That means not the night before either. Nuthin worries me more than guys waking up after two hours sleep, and ten beers, thinking their sober and ready to hunt. Those guys are the most dangerous ones IMHO.
Atticus, there's a benefit to having guys like that around camp. First, get 'em full of breakfast. You put them in your truck and let them sleep, while you go get their deer for them. (Hey, "Full tummy, dry didies, must be time for a nap.") You put their tag on and return to camp and then go back out and do your thing.

You had all the fun, and they go home to Momma with something to show for the trip. You get a rep for doing that sort of thing, and you'll get invited to a lot of hunt camps. Freebies.

My father once said his high-count year from that sort of shenanigans was 32 deer. :D

Art, around here they usually go crashing through the woods about 8:00am -walk past your stand to get to their stand- throw up- and then crash back out of the woods. Of course they might see the deer they spooked and take a hundred yard shot through dense woods at it. But then again...sometimes that can work for ya when the deer are holding tight and need a little spooking.:)
A very passionate topic indeed.

I think there's a HUGE difference between "he's drunk" and "he's drinking". At 6'-0" and 230lbs, it'll take more than a couple 12oz beers (5%ABV) to get me legally intoxicated (.08%).

Now some husbands of soccer moms will argue that even one drop of alcohol will prevent you from making sound decisions. But I guarantee,.....I'm more sensible when I'm buzzed than 70% of the population is sober. So don't go jumping to conclusions about how drinking a couple beers while in the woods is dangerous, when most of the sober hunters out there don't have IQ's over 75!

This reminds me of the media spouting stastics about how "...30% of all fatal traffic accidents involve an intoxicated driver.."
Well, damn man that means 70% (the majority) of the cause is sober people!!! HELLO!! :)

(I don't advocate drinking and using firearms)
The guys who work busily on a six-pack and ignore eating a meal are the ones who commonly cause problems. Impaired judgement...

Bud/Bourbon as a "Breakfast of Champions" is a real problem. Same for the guy who decides that it would be a good idea to go varmint hunting after an evening of hooch around a campfire.

Regardless of how any of us deal with the issue, individually, good judgement keeps folks safe; bad judgement gets folks hurt. A large part of the whole deal is having the basic judgement about whether or not you've "drunk up your good judgement."

:), Art