Alabama House Bill 2

I just read this thread or else I would've been writing some emails and letters! Are there any updates at this time? Thanks smince for bringing all of this information to this board and my attention.
My source in Rep Greeson's office says HB2 should be before the full Senate this week.

Call or write your Senator's if you haven't already done so.
According to my contact from Rep. Greeson's office, Senator Lowell Barron is keeping the Bill from coming to a special order vote because of the UAH shooting. Never mind the fact that Amy Bishop used a handgun.

Anyway, please call and write Senator Barron (be civil, but firm) and let him know your feelings on the issue:

Senator Lowell Barron
Room 729-B
11 S. Union Street
Montgomery, AL 36130
(334) 242-7858
From NRA:
The Alabama House Commerce Committee heard Senate Bill 360 (the companion bill to House Bill 364) today, Wednesday, March 24. The Committee took a voice vote to carry over the bill. SB360 is unlikely to be heard again before the end of the session due to the upcoming discussions on the state budget. Thus, this bill has ultimately died in committee.
The same fate is likely for HB2 :mad:
This bill passed the Senate today and even passed the House again approving a technical Senate committee amendment (that did not change anything material in the bill).

It now goes to the governor for signature!
Bout Darn Time

Dig Old Unused Shot gun out of closet ... Check

Oil up gears on Bench vise... Check :D

Check Hacksaw and Bandsaw blades... Check

Sharpie New barrel length and stock/handle shape... Check :cool:

Wait eagerly for the ink to dry on HB2... In Process :rolleyes:

Saving $200 for Uncle Sam's Blessing to Own a SBS... In Process :rolleyes:

Filling NFA Form 1 and the the time consuming details it entails..... Waiting on a free $200 :confused:

Realization it might be months before i can enjoy it... :(
I called the Gov and and left a message of support for HB2. Please do the same!

The number is:

(334) 242-7100
Call Made

21Apr1226L2010, Call made to his secratary and message left!

He beat me by three minutes but the nice sec. did not even tell me it had been signed! Gotta love AL
Outstanding!!! When does it take effect? When can we start mailing stuff off? I've got a rifle that needs about 5 1/2 inches less off the barrel!
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From the bill: "This act shall become effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law."

So is that July 1 or August 1?

Also, it has not been officially announced that he has signed the bill.