Alabama House Bill 2


As you know, Alabama prohibits private ownership of SBR/SBS's due to wording in the State law. Earlier this year, my local Rep (Todd Greeson) and a co-sponsor started a Bill to get this prohibition removed and allow for ownership by those who can comply to NFA standards.

This is somewhat detailed here:

The previous bill died in session, but is due to be reintroduced as HB2 when the legislature reconvenes.

I ask all Alabama citizens to write or call your Reps and ask them to support this bill when it comes to a vote. I have also contacted NRA-ILA to ask their support of this bill, but if any of you have any contacts there, please ask them personally.

Thanks for any and all help

Scott Mince

I received this from NRA-ILA today:
Dear Mr. Mince,

Thanks for contacting NRA-ILA.

This legislation was endorsed by NRA-ILA last year, and we were successful in getting through the House; however, we couldn't get it through the Senate because it was near the end of the session.

It will be re-introduced in the next session and we will be working very hard to see this pass. We will be sure to keep you updated on the status of this legislation.

Thank you,
Miranda Bond
NRA-ILA Grassroots Division
Wow...good news. Just last night I was thinking of how I'd like to build an SBR upper w/ my Christmas funds! Hopefully this one will work out.
The SBR Bill (HB2, sponsored by Jeremy Oden) is in the Judiciary Comittee and scheduled for action on 01/20/2010

[HB2-Short-barreled rifles or short-barreled shotguns, possession, sale, receipt, obtaining, or use, prohibited, penalties, Sec. 13A-11-63 repealed]

Below are members of the House Judiciary Committee that need to be contacted. Can you help me spread the word?

Marcel Black; Chair
Charles Newton; Vice Chair
Steve McMillan
Spencer Collier
Paul DeMarco
Chris England
Laura Hall
Tammy Irons
Jamie Ison
John Robinson
Yusuf Salaam
Howard Sanderford
Cam Ward

Some have personal emails listed at:

Those who do not can be reached at

Thanks for any help you can give on this.
Just heard from a friend of Todd Greeson (our local Rep. and co-sponsor of House Bill 2). It made it through the House Committee this morning and is now ready for a vote in the full House of Rep.

Todd thinks it will not have a problem in the House. Rep. Greeson also stated that the NRA was a very big help getting House Bill 2 through committee.

He said we now need to start on the Senate.

Thanks to everyone.
The SBR House Bill 2 will go before the Alabama House Tuesday January 26. Those in Alabama call, write, or e-mail your Reps. about this bill.

Rep. Greeson said that we still need the help of NRA and if anyone could get Gun Owners of America involved it would be a big help.
NRA-ILA is on it:
Alabama State House to Consider Repealing
Ban on Short-Barreled Rifles!

Please Contact Your State Representative Today!
House Bill 2, sponsored by State Representative Jeremy Oden (R-11), would repeal the section of the Alabama statute that prohibits the possession, sale, receipt, or use of rifles with barrels less than 16 inches long. These rifles are already legal under federal law when properly registered.

HB2 had its second read in the House Judiciary Committee earlier this week and will be voted on by the full House as early as Tuesday, January 26.

Please contact your State Representative TODAY at (334) 242-7600 and respectfully urge them to support this common-sense legislation. Most Representatives can be reached through the Alabama State House email system by using the following format:
Randy Hillman, head of the Alabama Association of District Attorney's sent an email to the cops trying to get the law stopped:
Law Enforcement Friends,

Unfortunately, the short barrel gun legislation received a favorable report in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, January 20th. It is set for FINAL passage on the House Special Order Calendar for tomorrow (Tues, January 26th). The effect of this bill would be to make lawful the carrying and possession of short barreled shotguns and rifles. This bill could have major implications to the criminal element we deal with on a daily basis. These weapons have no legitimate sporting function and will only serve to endanger the lives of law enforcement. Please join with me and contact your House members to convey our concerns with this bill.

Thank you,

Randy Hillman
Alabama District Attorneys Association

H 2 Repeal Crime Owning/Sell. Short-barrel Shotgun Rep. Oden

Under existing law, a person how possesses, obtains, receives, sells, or uses a short-barreled rifle or a shotgun, except for peace officers, is guilty of a Class C felony.

This bill would repeal this law. AACOP is OPPOSED to repealing this law!!!! We have attached a sheet with your State representatives names on the bottom PLEASE call their office's ASAP and let them know how dangerous these weapons would be for your communities!!

That letter from Hillman was RIDICULOUS! I originally received that in an email from the FOP through my department, and immediately sent out a rebuttal. I also sent a message to the AL State FOP Lodge, since I am active within that organization. My email is included in the thread that linked from The FOP is claiming that 'we' got some sort of victory because they amended the bill to say that you must have a Federal "permit" to possess an SBR/ SBS. Way to do your research guys... That is already part of the deal. Some of my co workers wondered why I got all worked up about the issue, but it's just STUPID, that this guy thinks that all of the sudden Cops lives will be severely endanged by repealing our law. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a large percentage of initial SBR buyers will be COPS!!!! I know I will. Anyway, rant over. I hope this one runs through the Senate as fast as it did the House.
I just heard from an associate that Senator Larry Means will be carrying the bill in the Senate:

Larry Means (10th District: Cherokee/Etowah)
Room 729
11 S. Union Street
Montgomery, AL 36130
(334) 242-7857

Please contact him and your own Senator.
HB2 is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Industrial Development and Recruitment Committee tomorrow (2/10) at 10:30 AM in Room 727 on the State House.

Only two bills are currently scheduled to be heard, so hopefully this will get a favorable report and get put on a Senate special order calender.
From another site:
The Senate ID&R Committee gave HB2 a favorable report (6-0), so the bill should now be put on the regular Senate calendar. Hopefully, we can get this one on a Special Order calendar soon!

HB2 is one vote and one signature away from being law!