Al Franken?

I just want to know if he's the one I'm thinking of. Wasn't he also the host of Air America? I don't favor him over the incumbent but I wnat to know more about him.
Yes, he was host of Air America and half of the comedy duo Franken and Davis back in the 70s and 80s.

Is he running for something?
He's running for Minnesota state senator. He'll make it too, cause he's good enough, he's smart enough, and gosh darn-it, people like him.
He's not funny and never was. If he can't make me laugh he has no biz running for anyhting.
I actually enjoy his comedy writings and his books about Rush are hysterical. :)

His early SNL stuff is pretty classic too.
I've got to get out of here. First a pro wrestler runs for governor, now a comedian runs for senate.. And we all thought Hollywood was the looney bin.

Oh I should add that if you go north of the slums about 200 miles we are pretty decent people. It just the slums that are looney toons.
Why should the right wing be the only ones to put entertainers in office?

What ever Franken's faults may be, he's %100 better than Norm Coleman.
One more thing

Franken's books express strong support for pro-choice views, gun control laws, same-sex marriage, environmental protections and a revamped, more progressive income tax system. In the postscript of The Truth (with jokes), Franken joked that if elected to the Senate, in the two week window between the Senate's swearing in and Bush's leaving office, he would push for a "quickie impeachment".

He ain't got a snowball's chance in h*** with views such as that.
I never thought he was funny, it was like we were supposed to assume his schtick was humorous, I didn't get it. He is a mean SOB too. I've heard him on talk shows, his immaturity crops up pretty quickly if the host starts challenging some of his statements. It doesn't take Michael Medved long to press his buttons, once Al got so pissed he jumped up and threw his chair. Then he lied about it.
I've got to get out of here. First a pro wrestler runs for governor, now a comedian runs for senate.. And we all thought Hollywood was the looney bin.

But somehow, an actor from California, Ronald Reagan, is one of the greatest Presidents of all time?

Duplicity rears its ugly head.

Wasn't it Al who was making fun of a college student, right in front of the student?

Sounds intolerant and mean-spirited to me! :eek: