ak47more powerful than m16


New member
we know that a ak47 being shot by a group of men can bring down a soviet helocopter.do you think a group of men using m16 s can bring down a taliban helocopter?
what Taliban helicopter?

this one?
I think the Taliban has several of the armored gunship helicopters, and that's about it. Hinds, I believe they're called?

Anyway, if that's the case, NO SMALL ARM is going to bring one of those creatures down.
Mike, they have more MI-8 Hip than MI-24 Hind. The Hind is armored but the Hip can carry more ordnance if it is set up that way. The Hip is a general utility helicopter but it is a durable airframe, bigger than our UH-1 but about as versatile. You CAN bring down a Hind with small arms fire but it is almost an academic question, I wouldn't want to try but it is possible and it has happened before, damn tough thing to do I would imagine. Our soldier manuals give targets but it they are small, hard targets.
I bet its kind of a moot point right about now anyway. We own the skies over Afghanistan. If they did have a Hind or Havoc hidden somewhere, the second it was airborne our fighter jocks would be racing to see who got it first.
My only questions are: Why would a group of men be shooting an AK-47? How do they know when to switch? Do they carry their own ammo, or trade off on that too? :D
Didn't you guys every see, "Red Dawn"? Sheesh...

Well, if an AK could do it, why couldn't an AR?

Like Correia said, if they were able to get something airborne, you'd probably hear about a hundred pilots claim dibs on it.
Hey, massed full-auto fire can make messes not expected by designers, armor or no. There are always oil lines, for instance, or lots of hickeys in rotor blades. Bearing housings come to mind; even a crack may allow a hydraulic leak. The chopper may not actually go down until far away from the scene of the crime, of course.

In high-elevation mountain country, the shooters might actually be firing down at a chopper, and there's no armor on top, SFAIK.

The AH-64 Apache is heavily armored. The rotor blades themselves are designed to withstand several hits of 23mm and not break.

the Mi-24 (NATO "Hind") helicopter is even tougher. It's WINDSHIELD is rated to stop .50BMG, from what I understand, and there are no exposed components that are vulnerable to small arms fire.

In other words, an M16 or a Kalashnikov of any variety isn't going to cut it against a dedicated attack helicopter.

Hueys, Mi-8s, Blackhawks, Bell Jetrangers, Lynxs, etc. are different stories, however. The older ones are made of aluminum, the newer ones are made of aluminum and fiberglass.

That's only if you count M2s as small arms.

No intermediate cartridge firing automatic rifle will bring down an Mi-24.
I'd like to pick up on something that Art said earlier, about
firing down on helicopters from mountains.

I don't remember where I heard this, but I was told some years
ago that when the Russians were still in Afghanistan, the Afghan
rebels used to climb up the hills to get at them from above. But
instead of firing on them from above, they would use long chains
and other things to tangle up the rotor system. That way, they
could cause the helo to crash without firing a shot.

I forgot to mention something else. Enough massed small arms
fire could bring down a helo if enough bullets were sucked into
the intakes. This would cause the engine to "FOD out".

Define "powerful"

The M16A2 can penetrate 3.2 mm of RHA at 550m, a feat M80 ball ammo from an M60 MG cannot do. Are you saying an Ak47 is better than an M60 MG?

Energy does not equate killing power. Period.
taliban helocopter?
With the way they fly? Shooting at one seems like a waste of good ammo. Just paint a picture of a tall building on the side of a cliff. They're stupid enough to fall for it.
You could do a lot smarter things than shoot at a helicopter. Even unarmored ones will take a lot of abuse due to small critical targets within and redundant systems. We puzzled this before.


Yes a M-16 could down a helicopter, but read any good helo pilot's combat accounts and its the crew served stuff that keeps 'em worried.

Further I would assume that any taliban helo has been bombed back into the stone age by now. Some of the airfield overheads showed very efficient destruction of everything sitting on the ramp.
The talking heads on the news seem to think that the Taliban can threaten our helicopters with shoulder fired (I believe) "Stinger" missles that we supplied to the Afgans during the Russian "occupation."

I'm sure the higher end helos such as the Apache have systems to avoid this. True?

Shrouded exhaust, flare drops etc do a pretty good job of screwin up hi tec arms. Beware the ex duck hunter with a m79 or RPG.....if he gets lucky the aircraft gets real unlucky.
