AK47 full-auto conversion?


New member
I just bought myself a nice Lancaster AK47 and I really want to pay the extra money to get it converted to full-auto. Does anybody know how to come about doing this? Has anybody done this to theirs? Is this legal? About how much would it cost?
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I don't know, but maybe there's a certain part of a certain trigger assebly that you can maybe take off? Grind flat? Others?:rolleyes:

I know how, but I'm not going to say to protect me legal iving.
I really want to pay the extra money to get it converted to full-auto.

Let's see; it will cost you about $150,000 and ten years in Leavenworth.

The National Firearms Act (NFA '34) registry, wherein all full-auto weapons (inter alia) must be registered, was closed to new entries in 1986. The only way to acquire a full-auto anything is to buy an existing weapon. Since the supply is frozen and the demand, as evidenced by your enquiry, continues to grow, the prices are reach stratospheric heights.

The Feds take illegal full-auto conversions very seriously. Now, while you personally are willing to die if you cannot live free, it does give the hoplophobes ammunition (deliberate pun) to use against gun ownership when an ugly evil "assault weapon" is turned into an "automatic machine gun." Their words, not mine.

Forget it, or open your checkbook—wide.


Full auto conversions are illegal. This is taken very seriously by the Feds as Walt said. You WILL go to prison.

Any assault rifle on semi-auto is plenty fun to shoot. Plus, there's always bump-firing. :)
To echo what others have said, there is no way to convert a semi anything to legal full-auto anymore. Also, there are around 10 original transferable AK's (maybe more, but less than 20) on the registry right now and they don't come up for sale very often. That being said, one came up for sale last week on Subguns and it's price is $30k. There are registered conversions of semi's that were registered before May '86 that come up for sale more often and they go for an average of a mere $15k.
Ok ok fine I won't do it. I'm just asking. I didn't really look into it much. Thank you all for the heads up.

there are ALOT more than 10 full auto AK-47s. Only post 86 dealer samples can be made now, which can't be had except for certain corporations and law enforcment agencies.
there are ALOT more than 10 full auto AK-47s

I'd be willing to bet that there are not. I'm referring to original Chinese or Russian "bringback" guns that are fully transferable to Joe Citizen via a Form4. What I am not referring to are conversions of semi guns or dealer samples or relics that may or may not be in your veteran uncle's basement between the rafters... Also, what "certain corporations" would be able to own a dealer sample?
I'm just asking.

People are reluctant to discuss it even on a honestly academic/theoretical level. To technicality driven federal LE, that makes all involved guilty of conspiracy to manufacture. There are plenty of books out there that have the information (and even dirt cheap original select fire parts) if you just have to know, but a manual plus the rifle looks like a 'constructive possession' bounce. Other than looking at tax stamps on cig packs, they got nothing better to do than rail you over something like this. I do not believe in forbidding knowledge or information. But, think of this like, learning the truth of some big government cover-up; for what would be at stake, you'd rather not know. Like that. Let that kill your curiousity.

what theotherTexasRich said about fun is also true in a tactical context. Semi is the better weapon almost always. Accurate aimed single shots are what win fights.

"May your enemies be on full-auto"
-Col. Jeff
VUPDblue said:
Also, what "certain corporations" would be able to own a dealer sample?

I'll go out on a limb and bet that blackwater USA has that permit.

Any time I'm wondering if a piece of info is out there, I check at thepiratebay dot org, but you would be insane to actually modify your weapon, don't even think about it.
I'll go out on a limb and bet that blackwater USA has that permit.

It's not a permit. It's a license, and believe it or not, Blackwater actually develops some of its own weapons. I know for fact that they have an 07/02 FFL/SOT and manufacture some of their own. They also would be exempt from the pre/post '86 law because they are acting as an agent of the federal government (as long as they have a contract). Barring the two situations above, they would just stockpile their arms in another country anyway.
Moving this thread to the proper area

Here on TFL, there is a specific forum for matters concerning National Firearms Act weaponry. Many members particularly interested in full auto stuff tend to check in there regularly, and might miss the thread on Art of the Rifle. Moving this thread to NFA Guns & Gear.

Johnny Guest
TFL Staff