
That little hook prevents the hammer from riding the bolt home. In some cases it could make the gun go full auto, but it can also cause the gun to magically transform itself into a hand grenade by firing out of battery. Its a very poor method of converting to full auto - its completely unreliable (if it doesn't either go full auto or explode in your face, it will stop dead, hammer down on a live round.)
Assuming the rounds have soft enough primers for the "slam fire" auto to work...
i am suprised the mods havent shut this one down... Dont make your AK full auto. Just take my advice, DONT. if you are caught, your ass is bubba's...:barf:
Ok, I missed that one thread there but I don't think he is wanting to make it full auto rather find out why his gun did because of a broken part which he is unfamiliar how it is supposed to be when NOT broken so he can replace it and stay legal. Pretty neat that it unloaded the mag but as its been said its like playing russian roulette with a real russian betting--no, hoping-- that it will not fire out of battery. :eek: