
When you cough up an extra 10,000 dollars on a registered one...otherwise the answer you seek will not be found here.

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to say, go to Africa, buy a real ak, and bring it home legally?
I wondered that myself just out of curiosity, so I stared at the trigger group on mine for a while and it all came to me, but since I don't have any full auto to reference to, I might be wrong.
You mean like this?
And btw, this is purely for research/educational purposes only. What you do with this is your own responsiblity. I kinda just like having this for novelty purposes more than anything, so no flaming on my irresponsiblity for sharing this info...Besides, it's fun to stare at and dream...

By the looks of it you'd need a whole new trigger group...and the cahones to face club fed if caught.


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i have spent my whole adult life working with steel, and a few other metals... it's such a trip that a few extra ounces of the same material can add thousands of $$$ and tons of legal issues to something simple like a rifle.. must be fun to burn up that ammo though... I'll prob never know though,,, unless I win the lottory, or someone rich hauls off and busts my lip
(joke for effect)
how does a ak become an automatic?

when the fire control parts designate that the weapon is capable of fully automatic fire--That is the smart@$$ answer. The real answer is that an AK doesn't become automatic. I suppose it could, but that would be illegal. Original registered automatic AK's are very expensive ($15,000 or more), but they do exist. Aftermarket fire control parts also exist, but placing them in a semi AK would be a felony.
As far as the BATFE says, the gun finds a shoelace.

Basically if its semi auto it could be made into an auto with the the know how and tools. But an AK is not any better off becoming an auto than a ruger 10/22.

The AKs that you will see are not made to be autos and lack the parts and receiver holes to take the parts.
Assuming since you posted this in the NFA section, you are serious and want to be legal, there is no current legal way to make your AK full auto if you are a common civilian. If you can afford about $20,000 or so, you can buy one that is already registered.
bring backs are a strict no no!! You will get caught if you try.. About the only way to have a close to legal somewhat auto AK is to "bump fire" ,but accuracy is completely lost and all you are doing is wasting ammo. fun but not productive.
Anyone with any information about bringing a real one home?

The 1968 GCA banned the importation of machineguns for civilian use (including military trophies). The 1986 FOPA banned the manufacturing inside the US of machineguns for civilian use.

If it ain't in the country and already registered, it ain't ever gonna be legal.
I ask this not to do it, but just general knowledge. Is it not the little 'hook' on the sear that prevents it from firing automatically?I was told a little while ago that the sear busted on a guys gun when his daughter was shooting it (not sure what gun) and she unloaded the whole magazine.

I believe it's an "auto sear". When the bolt carriar returns to battery, it trips the auto sear which releases the hammer? Or does the auto sear do something to the disconector, which THEN releases the hammer?

You guys tell me. I dont know.:confused:

Open bolt weapons are simpler. You just pull the trigger, the sear levels out and then, RATATATATATATATATATATATATATAT!!!!!:D
I ask this not to do it, but just general knowledge. Is it not the little 'hook' on the sear that prevents it from firing automatically?

That little hook prevents the hammer from riding the bolt home. In some cases it could make the gun go full auto, but it can also cause the gun to magically transform itself into a hand grenade by firing out of battery. Its a very poor method of converting to full auto - its completely unreliable (if it doesn't either go full auto or explode in your face, it will stop dead, hammer down on a live round.)
Get a book

Small Arms of the World (Smith&Smith) covers alot of the operation of common military firearms. It is a great reference to have.

If you really want an indepth reference, The Machine Gun (Chinn) is a multi volume study done for the Navy Dept back in the late 50s (or so) and covers in detail virtually every automatic weapon ever made. This massive work used to cost quite a bit, but I found a copy on CD ROM at a gunshow for $10.

In a nutshell, the AK 47 was designed as a selective fire weapon, and had the internal parts slightly redesigned for sale as a semi-auto. They did the same thing with the M16. Early AR-15 had only a couple of differences inside, but later ones had the internals redesigned to prevent easy conversion.

I don't know enough about the internals of the AK to be able to answer just which parts were changed, and how, but if you get one a good reference, and compare it to a semi auto Ak, you will be able to see the difference.
Lets see..I just got my parts kit from centerfire and one is missing the sear and the 'rate reducer' I think its called along with a spring or two and you have to cut off the curly part of the one that does come in there to make it hold the triggger and hammer pins from falling out. The bolt is also different and it doesnt have the sear tripping mechanism if this type has it like dias on an ar 15. I think the safety lever is an auto version but it won't work without the other parts. Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. The reciever with the extra holes is also missing/ruined so I have to bend another (in semi-auto minus the extra holes I don't need). Now, how to actually convert it is not allowed here because of possible legalities and the owners haveing to be hauled into court for contributing to any illegal builds and conversions so they frown on those who ask and those who give this type of information. However, If you really want to know, look around on the net and you will find videos and explanations how they work not to mention books and stuff on how it works.