airweight or titanium

I'm thinking of retiring my model 60 for something lighter. I'm torn between an airweight and a titanium. I'm only allowed to carry a smith in the lasd so no political debate please. I love the 342 but it feels like a toy, while the airweight feels right but it would be nice to have the lightest belly gun on my guys with both, please add your two cents. I'll be practicing with my 60 so I won't be shooting either one much...just a few +p's to see how it feels...
I have both AW and Titanium Centennials. Since you are not going shoot it much, get the lightest one, imho.
Check out the Airweights - The model 638 and 642. I have tried a friends titanium 342, and my follow-up shots are slower than with my 638 with the same amount of control.

The shrouded hammer, model 638 "humpback" has an advantage that the internal hammer S&W's do not have - You can perform a cylinder rotation check.

I don't think that the 4 oz. weight difference would be worth the increased price or the increased recoil!

Stay with the 60...

This is just my humble opinion.

I carry a 649 (Bodyguard) off-duty. I've shot it quite a bit, but not 300 rounds at a sitting. J-frames are generally not pleasant to shoot. I had an Airweight for awhile and it was even less pleasant to shoot.

Remember that the primary purpose of these guns is to be small and be carried concealed. They are "carry a lot, shoot a little" guns. That notwithstanding, if you need to use the gun, the lighter it is, the more difficult it is to control and bring back on target. This is particularly signficant with the J-frames, because of the short sight radius and the tiny grips which don't accept your whole hand. In this case, I consider a little extra weight to be a plus, not a minus. I don't even notice the weight difference, because the Js are so small to start with.

My vote (for what it's worth) is to stick with the 60, practice with it and put up with a little added weight carrying it, rather than go to the gee-whiz Ti gun. I'm sticking with my 649.
I have both. Both are great.

The 342 is a little harder to shoot, but I prefer it for carry. The 642 is easier to shoot, but crazy as it sounds, I notice the extra 4 ounces when I carry it.
The 342 has a better front sight, it can be changed to anything you like including a nightsight, just by pushing out the pin.

Be safe and good luck, both are fine guns.

Without question, if you intend to ankle-carry (HIGHLY RECOMMEND ankle carry for third gun ONLY) recommend lightest possible choice.
I'll disagree

I carry a 640 (all steel, baby) on my ankle on-duty. I do not notice the weight *at all*. Note: I'm not saying 'you get used to it,' though I suppose you do. Its not like it is a constant bother that you learn to really don't even notice it after a few wearings. Add in the fact that shooting anything heavy in a ultra-light gun will be beaucoup unpleasant, I'll stick by my previous assertion:

Titanium/Airweight/Scandium/whatever is good for one thing: converting $ to felt recoil.

Titanium. I carry the SW342PD with a Barami Hip-Grip. I much prefer it over the SW642LS that I used to have. The 342PD weighs less loaded than the old 642LS did by itself. I definitely notice and appreciate the weight difference. I find it no more difficult to shoot than my old 642LS. It does recoil more though and +100rd practice sessions are felt the next day.
3rd gun? Sorry guys but I like carrying on my ankle as a back-up in uniform and off duty when it's too hot for anything else...I don't know how you guys walk around with pistols in your pants pockets in the summer but where I live, style is still a priority...My ankle is easily accesible in my car and when I go out an night, it doesn't get found by a hug or when you're rubbed up against in a crowded bar...when it's time to go home, i simply go to the bathroom, slip the 60 into my back pocket, and pull my shirt over it...this gives me fast access when I need it and total concealibility when I don't....but that's just me

Think "accosted on sidestreet by two BG's with gun WAY DOWN THERE".

Try it some time; my primary now resides somewhere closer to my hand.....
At that point, I point upward and yell, skylab...then kneel down, draw and shoot...seriously though, I don't worry too much about being accosted during the day since it just doesn't happen much where I live....but at night is another story and that is when I keep my eyes open and move the gun to my hip....
OOps, sorry Weshoot....skylab fell already....better use Meir, although most criminals are probably not up on current events so either will do in a stressed situation. If you happen to be carrying some night in 2046 you can yell Haley's comet...but only at night...good luck and good shooting
i like those alloy smith n wessons.not sure what modle or alloys but they are not tottally sold on titanium,it just seems too expensive.
"Carry a lot but shoot little".......but you should shoot it enough so that you are VERY good with it....else not bother.

Replace a foot or so of trouser seam stitching with dressmakers velcro, pain to do but makes ankle rig a tad quicker to access.

Iffen twere mine, I'd stick with the 60.

Sam.....stay sharp n stay safe.
I have a .357 model 60 and a .38 342ti. I want to trade both in on a Scandium model when they come out. Power of the 60, weight of the 342. I'd keep the 60 until the Scandiums come out.