"airline security", and such

Rather than lie, might it be better to say, "I have no driver's license to show you"? Then, if pressed, you could admit to having a driver's license, "...but I forgot it at home".

Later, if pressed too far, "Oh, my goodness! Look, here it is after all - in the wrong part of my wallet! No wonder I couldn't find it! My mistake! Sorry!"
(Big, silly, innocent smile is optional.) :D
Alan, I still occasionally attempt to use my FOID when purchasing cigs/liquor, or whenever I need to present a photo ID. Every time I try, I get the "I'm sorry but this isn't an acceptible form of ID" routine. Although at least some people that honestly don't know try to get someone in management to see, with whom the routine begins. Every single time, I argue that it is a state government issued form of ID with my photo, signature, and all relevant information. A few people actually have the decency to actually take it and give it a good once-over before denying me. I constantly point out the seal of the Illinois State Police prominently displayed on the front. I could understand this if it was one of the old FOIDs which looked just a little cheesier than the worst fake ID ever created, but these newer ones actually look very official! I should find out who to contact on this one.
I don't like airports… more to the point, I don't like the officious, bureaucratic tripeheads who happily prance about the security (sic) checkpoints, trampling the Second and Fourth Amendments under their jackboots.

I'm philosophically opposed to the concept of passports. Besides which, on the US passport application, there's a place for the applicant to provide his Social Security number, which is demanded by the IRS. Failure to provide one's SSN is punishable by a $500 fine. Can someone explain to me:
a) What is the connection between the IRS and State Department?
b) What is the connection between the Social Security Administration and my travel plans?

I highly resent being forcibly disarmed by my own government in order to travel in an expeditious manner. If the risk of a handgun bullet penetrating the wall of an aircraft is so high, why not issue frangible ammo to armed passengers, as suggested by Vin Suprynowicz?

And I really hate the idea of being beholden to the laws of another country which are even more tyrannical than the laws here.

Regardless of all these objections, I'm flying to New Zealand in February.

All together now: "Sell out! With me, oh yeah, sell out! With me tonight..."

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
The question(s) you raised regarding Social Security Numbers, while they are somewhat beside the point of these postings, are never the less of significant interest. Personally, as an old "hardhead", who has been raising hell about similar matters for years, I wonder as to then was the last time that you and or any number of others raised the same point with your federal "elected things", and if you did, what sort of response you got.

Closer to home, at state level, does your drivers license, assuming you have one, contain your SS#, and if it does, what is the legitimate (legitimate is the operational phrase)relationship between a drivers license, and one's SS#. Ditto, by the way for hunting, fishing and or any other "recreational" licenses.

By the bye, should anyone mention something about "catching up with deadbeat dads, possibly moms too", they are full of you know what. The fact that government can do any particular thing, is simply not sufficient justification or reason for their doing it.
And checks! When you cash a check at the Quick-E-Mart, use that CCW/CHL for I.D. then, too! If you're ID'd at a club, flash it if it has your D.O.B. on it. (Better make sure you're not carrying if the local laws make it a felony to do so there. Here in TX, bars fall under "Places Weapons Prohibited.")

Start a movement... let 'em know that YOU choose to excercise your right to be armed.
I've been giving different ID's for years. TONS of fun.
At some places where they ID everyone for alcohol, (Sports Stadiums/Arenas, etc) I always give them a CCW for ID. I had a great time once where they guy was rather adament that I had to give a drivers license. "I don't drive, that's why we have a subway".

As far as Airports, LAX, ORD, PHX, BOS, ATL have NEVER given me a problem with a CCW ID. Only Providence RI gave me some crap. Said I would need a second form. No Problem, a non-resident ID from a different state.
(I've never been blown any grief for checking firearms either, not even at Boston, EXCEPT at Providence. Why is RI a state?)

I have not flown in about two years, but I can't remember having to show any ID. Tickets were mailed to my house and I showed up at the gate with them. How long have they been requiring IDs. Wht would they do with some one who had lost or had stolen his wallet and all he had available was an emergency ATM or credit card, bought his ticket with cash to fly home. I heard that they don't particularly care for folks who purchase tickets with cash. It all seem pretty stupid to me. Anyone seriously planning out a crime with probably have no trouble getting suitable fake ID. Do they run the license # to see if it is even real? I think it only gives the impression of having tight security.


According to U.S. Air, since summer 1996, FAA regulations. I do not know what, if anything would happen in the case of the person who had "lost their wallet", or simply refused to show any particular piece of paper, after all, they do hold a valid ticket.

You might be right as to "the appearance of security", for if one wanted to bother,they can get all sorts of "Identification documents". Of course, most people who travel by air, are merely ordinary folks, trying to get "quickly" from point A to point B.

I don't think that the airlines particularly care as to how you pay for yur ticket, though I suspect they would be less than happy with pennies. Our own "gestapo agents", check that, "Law enforcement" folks seem to have gotten into this "profile" business, where you are somehow "bad" if you pay cash, and fit some other, ill defined criteria, one of which seems to be the color of your hide.
sbryce's wife.
alan, the hunter safety course I took this summer requested that we give our Social Security number. It appeared to be a requirement, but I pressed the issue and they said that the SS number was so that if we lost our card, it could be more easily returned to us. I don't lose things (usually!) and decided to risk it. Everyone else was busy digging for their number or promising to bring it the next week.

Social Security numbers are supposed to be on our driver's lisence, but I painted over it with opaque fingernail polish (had to borrow some as I never use the stuff!). When hubby got his lisence renewed in person, found out that we *can* have SS # not visible on lisence if we request it. They still want it on file, though.

Since I don't do alcohol or cigarettes, I have little opportunity to show ID, but thanks for y'all's responses. When I do have opportunity to show photo ID, I'm using my CCW. Just to show that sensible-looking people can have something to do with guns without shooting up the place.
After reading about the SS# on the DL, I pulled mine out and checked it. I don't remember asking them not to put it on but it isn't there. So all I can say is it may depend from state to state. Although I must say that the BS that the airlines give passengers is definately a large load. I think that they just enjoy jerking peoples chain, and having you dance to the tune they call.
Mrs. Sbryce:

You sound like a hard head, after my own heart. Hang in there, and ALWAYS question the ubiquitous "they". By the way, who are this "they", that have this endless list of "desires" anyway??

As to returning your card, if you lost it, I take it that you are old enough to be considered an adult. Most adults, somehow manage to go through life, seldom loosing "important documents", or so it has seemed, in my limited experience. Of course, if you believe that line, I have a couple of truly lovely bridges for sale.

As for the "thanks", you are quite welcome.

By the way, as to the alleged purpose of ss#'s on drivers licenses, one justification that was offered was as follows: It seems that gypsy truck drivers, carry multiple driveers licenses, so that when one it lifted, as a result of their having violated the hell out of traffic or driving regs., they continue driving, using a "spare" license. How this might apply to us ordinary folks, who merely operate their personal auto, and have only one license, we must be "underpriveleged" licensewise, was never explained to me. Another variation on an "old theme" was that this, the ss#, would be used to "track down dead beat dads or moms". Which of the above might you be?? Ditto for the ss# on other "recreational licenses". The entire scam never sounded "Kosher" to me. Hang in there.