Airline legal implements


New member
Given all the new security restrictions (I respect the sentiment but think the direction is misplaced), what think you about airline legal defensive tools? Some that come to mind immediately are:

Rotring pen (works as a kubotan)
Leather belt with significant buckle
I keep a DeJammer on my key ring. They always look at it (you know the look--wha???) and ask about it. "It's to help pull your keys out of your pocket. [putting keys in pocket] See?" Oh, here you go, sir.

It's a horrible thing that the blissninnies make us do this. If we were allowed to defend ourselves, 9/11 would not have transpired.
When BG's make their presence known, remove shoes, remove socks, replace shoes. Place one sock inside of another. Place a full can of soda inside of socks. Grasp end of socks. Exhort other passengers to do the same. Proceed to beat BG's senseless.
When BG's make their presence known, remove shoes, remove socks, replace shoes. Place one sock inside of another. Place a full can of soda inside of socks. Grasp end of socks. Exhort other passengers to do the same. Proceed to beat BG's senseless.
Grrr, which web site was it yesterday I saw selling bandannas with a little pocket in them, just right for a roll of quarters...?:confused:
D.W. Drang, you're probably thinking about this site, mentioned in the "conceal a sword" thread:

I've been questioned about a roll of quarters in my carry-on before (it really shows up on the X-ray) but never had one confiscated. I think a flail or other multi-part weapons are a good idea because it's unlikely any part will be confiscated.

Another thread mentioned using items already on the plane, such as the seatbelts, seat cushions (as a shield from box-cutters), or even a fire extinguisher (kept in overhead luggage area).
Thanks Dave, that was it.

Coming back from Kimpo once my companion got hauled off by the ROK security for unstated reasons. Seems that the jar full of change showed up real well on the x-ray...

They laughed and let her go.
I strongly suggest having a few Extra Heavy Duty Cable Ties:

The longer 250# test ones are my choice. My father, sons and I have carried a half dozen of those in a carry bag when we fly for years.

A triangular Architects Scale out of hard plastic with one end wrapped in a few dozen rubber bands as a handle is not bad either as a striking edged weapon and they can be had in 18" and 24" too, but are not easy to find.
I forgot... I also like a container of Glide dental floss as well... It is incredibly strong and cuts like a knife if one might need to wrap a BG a bit.

Also, nothing wrong with a nice heavy computer mouse and cord either! Just open it up and make certain the wire is well knotted inside the mouse so that it won't let go when swung hard.

One lady in a local office, an ex-cop from the city... went to an antique store before she went on a trip for the Chrismas holidays. She got a large, heavy, wooden spoon about 20" long, all one piece with about a half inch handle and all of seasoned maple. She put a bow and a card on it and carried it sticking out of her purse, with some Chrismas wrapping paper in her purse to wrap it in... No one asked anything.

A glass bottle of vitamins and a neck scarf can be handy too. :)
Farm and Fleet store.

Walking stick.

Steamed birch.


Hook at one end to trip BG as he comes down aisle. Shorten grip, whack base of skull hard. Repeat as necessary until movement stops or skull is converted to a thin paste.

Can't stop a person from carrying a plain, wooden walking stick...

Remember: inoccuous objects.

And again, see my articles below. Airline safety is a joke.
There was a thread in "General" about this back closer to 9/11. Here are some ideas presented.

"Serious" pen as a stabbing instrument.


Someone makes a credit-card-like metal sheet with an edge. Though I worry this one could get you in trouble.

Various plastic/polymer knives. Again, these could get you in trouble.

For a blackjack, I like a good 'ol laptop power supply.
The way I read the most recent FAA regs, canes/walking sticks/staves/crutches will be checked if possible, stowed in the cabin by cabin crew if not.
IOW, don't count on having your bo, er, walking stick with you.
That won't last. After the first time they have to help a nervous old lady to the restroom six times, they'll let people keep their canes.

Trust in human laziness.
I just picked up some "cable ties" at the home supply store today.

They are used to suspend HVAC ductwork. They are 34" long and have a reported strength of 500 lbs.

I'm going to give a few to each of my family who fly to have curled up inside thier carry-on shoulder bag. The fellows at the store said they will be getting in some stronger and longer ones in a few weeks. Pretty good tethering straps if needed and they shouldn't ring any bells or set off any alarms.

Good idea. Although I can't imagine that there would be much of a reason to tether what would be left of a hijacker after the passengers got finished takaing care of business. :)