Aiming intentionally for the femoral artery on Elk for archery hunt?

rem33 - pretty broad brush you just painted bow hunters with. I started out bowhunting with a guy that would take unethical shots - long range, bad angles. After I had some experience, I tried to steer him in the right direction, but could not do it. Now I don't hunt with him. I am a NBEF Master Instructor, and 90% of bow hunting education is focused on ethics and safety. Many states are now requiring bow hunter education, as firearms hunters have had for years.

There are slob bowhunters and slob rifle hunters out there. A well place arrow will kill anything, just as a poorly placed rifle shot will not kill anything. We are all in this together against the anti-hunters.
Thanks Devlandrum. I agree with you about not painting all bowhunters with that broad brush.
I am a bowhunter and ibep certified. Plenty of whitetails and hogs have fallen to my arrows. ALL with one well placed arrow. Ethical shots are more important with an arrow and much more preparation is required to bowhunt. Dedication to the hunt and practice are the same mindsets for all hunters.
More practice is required of a bow and arrow.
Lets remember we all are on the same team. Hunters of every kind should be ethical and supportive of our sport.
I think Chuck Adams can tell you to kiss his happy butt, if you tell him elk should not be bow hunted. Myles Keller, Ralph Giancariullo,Will Primos, etc.
thats words against our whole livelihood! we shouldnt be able to kill elk with bow? bows were being used 10's of 1000's of years before rifles. now ive never been on an elk hunt. but ive killed quite a few deer with my bow. if you dont bow hunt, you wouldnt know how devastating a bow shot to the heart/lungs can be. talk about destructive. to say a bow is not enuf is absurd! ive lost 2 deer with my bow. both when i was too young and dumb to even realize what i was doing. now, if its within 40yds, its 95% dead before i release. if its past 40, itll be walking. the bow hunters who take dumb shots are the ones youre referring to. the many of us that follow strict ethics are the ones that were just insulted by that remark.
I guess I just got us off thread, sorry (I am probably developing a reputation for that).

One thing that contributes to bad hunters is too many choices. Here in Oregon, you get to hunt each species with only one weapon, and the bag limit is one animal, with further restictions on that depending on weapon.

I freaked out when I was stationed at Ft. Drum NY and found out I could hunt multiple seasons (bow, rifle, muzzleloader), with a bag limit for each weapon.

So if someone lives in a multi-weapon area, it is pretty easy to just go to Wally World, buy a bow and start "hunting". After all, you have other seasons to put meat in the freezer and there is no education requirement other than for gun hunting (at least back then).

Teach, Preach, Live ethics. It is the only thing that will keep our right to hunt intact.