Ah, wonderful, wonderful Illinois...

Good point Tuttle. Also if the Ins. indusrty feels they can make a dime off this would it be possible for them to come up with some kind of special policy covering the required needs. If so premiums would probably be outta sight.
To these antis, it would be even better if there was no insurance coverage that would fit the requirement. No insurance, no guns!
This states politicians are a joke. They listen to the kids that are my age that hate guns. The kids hate guns because their parents hate guns. Their parents hate guns because the politicians hate guns. It is a vicious cycle out here in the Land of Lincoln. Thus the reason why I like to strut around with my HK MP5 t-shirt on and get the dirty looks from gun haters.
At the same time, I have gotten my friends who hated guns to love them! One time shooting the shotguns changes their opinion now my group of friends have FOID cards or are waiting on FOID cards.
I think that if we as gun owners get people hooked on the sport; Im not talking like starting a cult hahaha; but introduce the sport and show your support, it really has an impact on Illinois' public, I believe we can break the cycle on anti-gun people.
This states politicians are a joke. They listen to the kids that are my age that hate guns. The kids hate guns because their parents hate guns. Their parents hate guns because the politicians hate guns. It is a vicious cycle out here in the Land of Lincoln. Thus the reason why I like to strut around with my HK MP5 t-shirt on and get the dirty looks from gun haters.

You should see the idiots when they come here to Arizona and see people walking around with real guns strapped to their hips. Priceless. :D
I dream and dream for CCW to come here. I don't know, I just think i would feel safer at school, at work, going to my bank which was robbed twice. You know? Argh, I just don't get it. If you guys in those other states have CCW, Im sure you do but feel free, soak it in, it sucks not having it
Why is it always the inner city Mayors; City Council; Senators or Congress want to ban guns, but observed laws into effect when they don't address the real problem. Get the guns out of the hands of the criminals. Hunters, recreational gun shooters, sport shooters and collectors jump through hoops when it comes to purchasing any type of gun. But do you ever see or hear that a criminal used a gun he purchased or was registered to them? No, of course not because they stole the gun in the first place or it was purchased from someone off the street.
Hope you guys in IL win this one.
Very old but true saying is "laws are made for the law-abiding". Sometimes I think some of these politicians just sit back and dream up 'new laws'(gunrelated or not) to try and justify their jobs and show the public that they(the politician) still exist and are reeeeeally earning their paycheck. Facts are: 1- a new law could be made everyday but a criminal could care less, 2- there`s enough existing laws that aren`t being inforced, we don`t need new ones. Gotta suggestion for the politicians,why don`t you make some laws about our court system`s turning the criminals back out on the street before the arresting officer has a chance to get case paperwork done and quit trying to stop the lawfull citizen from defending himself against the scumbags you(court system) are putting back on street:barf:.
A month later...

Welll, it's been just over a month, but I got a reply from my representative. Here's my initial email:

Representative Beiser,
I contact you to express my concern over bill HB0687, which would mandate a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy to be in place for all gun owners.

In my opinion, this is a meager attempt to strip gun owners of their constitutional rights. It seems as if the bill's introducer, Rep Dunkin, is attempting to find a loophole in order to ban guns -- if he cannot forcefully take them away, then he can tax/legislate them away.

I do not believe that these acts are constitutional or morally "right." I'm confused as to how Rep. Dunkin misinterpreted the phrase "shall not be infringed."

Here is a link to the bill if you would like a refresher: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/Bil...B&DocNum=687&GAID=10&SessionID=76&LegID=41158

Thank you for your time, and I hope that you strike down this infringement on our rights.

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." -- Barry Goldwater

Derek *****
******** Resident

His response was actually encouraging, albeit delayed.


Thank you for contacting me regarding gun legislation. I appreciate you taking the time to reach me, because your input helps me to better represent our area.

I believe as you do that our state’s restrictive gun laws are wrong and ineffective and deny us the Second Amendment rights that our forefathers fought to protect. I do not support House Bill 687. I am a long-standing supporter of the Illinois State Rifle Association, which opposes this bill. If this bill comes to a vote in the House, I will vote against it, and I will continue voting and fighting to protect our vital rights to bear arms.

Again, thank you for contacting me with your concerns.

Dan Beiser

Rep. Dunkin has tabled his bill. That doesn't mean it's dead, but it's not getting called. He says that the NRA lobbyist and the ISRA lobbyists have "educated" him so that he now sees why gun owners would be upset about his bill. He also says he's a "FOID-card-carrying member" and a hunter. Member of what, I don't pretend to know, but he seems to be saying he wasn't ready to make enemies of gun owners.

I wouldn't swear to it, but I think Rep. Dunkin was one of the ones who went shooting with the ISRA/NRA reps at a local range using donated guns this year. Maybe that's paying off.

Watch the second video here to see Dunkin tell Cameron Gray of NRA News why he's tabling his bill. It's part of Gray's report on the IGOLD effort this month.

And if you're bothered by this bill, there are several more that are much worse on the House floor right now. HB0048, HB0165 and HB0180 are all out of committee and on their third reading, which means they can be called for a floor debate and vote any time the House is in session. That won't happen again until next Tuesday, so we have a little time to make phone calls. If you care, please click the link for a list of legislators to contact about these bills. Call the legislators on this list and ask them politely to vote against all three. It looks like a long list, but these are the people the lobbyists identified as fence-sitters who could go either way.

HB0048 eliminates private firearm sales; it would require that all transfers (including sales, gifts and loans) go through an FFL the same way interstate transfers do now.

HB0165 is your standard badly-written assault-weapons ban.

HB0180 is a state licensing scheme for handgun sellers--you would be prohibited from operating an FFL dealing in handguns without a license from the state of Illinois. The licenses are expensive, they duplicate the FFL process, and best of all, they're may-issue--they don't have to give you a license at all if they decide they don't want anyone to sell handguns at retail in the state anymore.
Better late than never. With the fiasco going on in Illinois politics lately I'm surprised you received a letter at all...

I didn't think this was going anywhere. If I were to run on the Independent or Rep. ticket, I'd use their BS bills that they introduce to prove how much of a waste of time they are in office....
now all you good folks in illinois had better contact all your government representatives and make damn sure that they vote NO on the proposed tax increases that the new bozo governor wants.

if they cant get our firearms they will tax the b jesus out of us so there is no more $$ for anything. if there is a short fall in the budget........let bozo governor start by taking a cut in his salary and selling the governor mansion.:mad:
If a person could do it from an economical and personal standpoint...I think Illinois would be a candidate state to move from.
If a person could do it from an economical and personal standpoint...I think Illinois would be a candidate state to move from.

We're out of here as soon as the opportunity presents itself. It's a little tough in this economy, but living here gives you HUGE incentive and drive to leave.