Ah, wonderful, wonderful Illinois...


New member
I'm not sure if this has already been posted, but a democratic rep is attempting to pass a law mandating gun owners in our fascist state must maintain a $1 million liability insurance policy. If you're caught without said policy, your FOID card is revoked and all of your guns are then illegal.

If they can't forcibly take our guns away, they legislate them away...

Illinois certainly does have 'creative' politicians. I wonder what the $1,000,000 insurance policy would do other than perhaps make insurance companies happy. Still, you gotta admit the anit gun crowd is creative.

Hopefully gun owners in Illinois will watch the bills progress and inform their legislators that they are opposed to it.
I'm not sure if this has already been posted, but a democratic rep is attempting to pass a law mandating gun owners in our fascist state must maintain a $1 million liability insurance policy. If you're caught without said policy, your FOID card is revoked and all of your guns are then illegal.

What a jerk. That's ridiculous. Last I heard, mandatory auto coverage was only $40,000, at least in this state.
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I doubt it will go anywhere, last year, or year before IL politicos tried to pass a magazine ban and it failed. I seriously don't think this nonsense will ever make it out of committee.
But I'll bet if you asked the guy to introduce a bill requiring a driver's license and proof of residency to vote that would be voter suppression.
Someone needs to check if Dunkin has any relation or close ties in the insurance business. Sounds to me to be a bill to stimulate the insurance business while at the same time stimulating the gun owners prostate:barf:. Hope some calls where made from gunowners to Reps. office.
Insurance industry may be behind this, but...
I doubt it. People who don't carry Homeowners or Rental insurance in the first place aren't going to care enough to buy it b/c of this, and moving from $100,000(which is pretty paltry) to $1,000,000 doesn't cost all that much and is not all that profitable for the insurance company.

I also enjoy how this is many times the insurance most states require to own an auto.
I wonder if this extremely high dollar number is just a ploy -- that they can back off to mandating $500,000 or so of liability insurance, call it a "compromise," and claim it to be bipartisan.

No matter what, if this passes, I won't be able to afford to be a legal gun owner anymore...

UPDATE: I've already sent an email, and I just placed a call my area's representative in order to determine his position on this bill (though, being an IL democrat, I already have a pretty good idea as to which way he's leaning). No answer at his office. I'll try again before the end of the business day.
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By the way, here is Rep Dunkin's info if any of you out in Illinois would like to voice your concern...

Kenneth “Ken” Dunkin
5th District

District Office
1520 N. Wells St.
Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 266-0340
(312) 266-0699 (fax)

Capitol Office
290-S Stratton Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-4535
(217) 782-4213 (fax)
Considering the behaviour of our Illinois politicians, I'd like them all to have massive insurance to fix things after we convict them. Blago has done a lot more damage than any gun owner.
No matter what, if this passes, I won't be able to afford to be a legal gun owner anymore...

I doubt it will pass, unless some sort of exception is made for fudd guns. There are too many farmers and other fudd-types downstate.
libality insurance

Here in Canada if you join the NFA (National Firearms Association, Canadian NRA) you get I believe 5 million bucks libality with your membership. Its no big deal. The insurance company that underwrites these policies know that law abiding gun owners are a very, very, low risk ;) for homicides, accidental shootings, property damage, etc. etc.
I doubt it will go anywhere, last year, or year before IL politicos tried to pass a magazine ban and it failed. I seriously don't think this nonsense will ever make it out of committee.

The only way to make sure is for EVERYONE to contact your representatives and voice your opinion. You've got some restrictive laws up there in Illinois and they probably got passed because people were expecting the politicians to use common sense. Well...those laws got passed, so you need to speak up and give them the common sense they don't already possess.

It would seem that this insurance policy requirement is a result of the "antis" getting very nervous.... Chicago's handgun ban case is in the courts and it would seem that it is going very well, for us I mean.
The Illinois Sheriff's Association overwhelming voted to endorse concealed carry here as well as there being a bill in the House to allow it.
I take it as a sign that they (antis) know it's coming and this is a step towards fighting it. But, what do I know.... :rolleyes:
UPDATE: I've already sent an email, and I just placed a call my area's representative in order to determine his position on this bill (though, being an IL democrat, I already have a pretty good idea as to which way he's leaning). No answer at his office. I'll try again before the end of the business day.

One thing I learned while living in Illinos is that you cannot determine a politican from that state's position based on his political party. For example, your previous (and also incarcerated) governor, George Ryan was a Republican and was no friend to 2A (I seem to recall an asnine law called the "safe neighborhoods act" that he unsuccessfully tried to ramrod through) while his Democratic opponent, Glen Poshard, was fairly 2A friendly. It seems a better indicator of an Illinois politicians views is whether he is from Chicago or downstate. That being said, downstate Illinois is relatively conservative and most people there have a pretty logical view of firearms. I'd be willing to bet that downstate prevents this law from passing.
I don't see it going anywhere.

What insurance agency out there has any policy that will cover "willfull and/or negligent" acts? IIRC, just about every policy made by an insurance agency that will cover an incident has to be an accident or an act of God.