Aftermarket mags to avoid?

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Some very interesting comments. I guess so far I've been real lucky. The Pro-mags I've bought for my Springfield Government model 1911, and two Firestars have preformed flawlessly. They are also much easier to clean than the Mec-Gars I use in my Kimber Ultra Carry.

For the pro-mag glock mags I heard that if you replace the spring and follower with factory glock parts they work much better. Can also use wolff springs with good results.
I guess I've been fairly lucky with the ProMags I've bought. I have 4 for my S&W 645 and 5 for my Kahr K9. All function perfectly. I did have one of the mags for the 645 that would not drop free of the mag well, but it was exchanged and the new one works great.

I use the 7rd Shooting Star mags for my Colt 1991A1 Compact and have had no problems with them.
I bought 4 Pro mags for my Glock 17. Man were they crap,I took them apart and put wolff springs in them I used the same follower in them that came with them.

I also took a small file and filed down the front lip of the mag tube. Now they work great I can even use the in my Glock 22

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry

ICQ no. 46780559
I've used stanless and blued, 15 and 17 round Mec-Gars in my Sig 226s and 228s for years, right alongside the factory 15s and 20s. Can't tell the diff; both are flawless. Used the Ramline 17's about 10 years ago. They worked well until I dropped them in the dirt. They dies immediately. The dirt bound the "mouse trap" spring up tight.

Tried Triple-K 20's in my Mini 14. One bound the spring up on the second mag full. Trash.

Wisht I wooda bought REAL Ruger mags when they were "only" 60 bucks a few months ago.....

I have two USA 20rd mags(stainless)for my P226 9mm that I use to play with. Haven't had a problem yet. I load them full and some times half. I use them for speed drills where they get dropped, kicked, and some times stepped on. However, I would never consider them for duty or carry mags. Maybe for last ditch glove box backup. But! If I have to go on experience alone, I would say they are excellent. I guess I just got lucky.

To those of you who are looking. I still see factory 15rnders at the local gun shows for 40-60$(demos supposedly)in almost new condition.

Good luck!
Local sporting good store has Mec-gar PPK .380 mags for $17.00 each (they looked identical to $40.00 facroty mags). Does anyone know of a direct source of Mec-gars (I would like to get a PPK/s .32 mag)?
David Wright,

Thanks for the warning, you probably saved me from screwing up as I was considering some .50 AE Pro-mags. I hope that some of the magazine manufacturers will read these posts, take the critism to heart, and improve their products.

David Curry
Thanks Glock Raider and Joe Mama.

Unfortunately, R Guns is out of 229 mags and Joe Mama, I think you misread on your link. Ajax has Promag 229's for 13.95 but factory 229'ers are going for 29.95.

Any one else have a source for 229 Mec-Gar mags?
Well the Pro-Mags arrived yesterday. Cleaned the grease out of them and found they will hold 15 rounds. Thumbing the rounds out caused the following rounds to nosedive; maybe the spring is a little week. We'll see at the range Friday. By the way, these came from J. G. Sales in separate ziplock bags with only the application (Sig226 15rd) on the label. No manufacturer's name. Is this normal for Pro-Mag? The magazine itself doesn't have any markings at all. I wonder what I really bought?
When I bought my sig p226 a long time ago, I was thinking about getting the 45rd clips. I think they were made by sig too.

Never did, and slept through this hi cap ban. So, what's the deal with those super clips? Still available / higly illegal???


Big Dave, 45rds !you must have made a typing error. Think of three 15rd mags stacked end to end ,does not sound too practical for anything. I have 3-20rd mags that were made by Sig. If they made one I have not heard of it. :)
Consider the reasons why people are willing to pay high prices for factory mags. They work and you don't want to be cheap when your gun depends on the magazine to function.

USA mags are junk. So are most of the aftermarkets except Meggar

I would go with (at the risk of being Politically incorrect) 10-rd factory over any aftermarket high caps. At least I know the factory ones will work when I need them.
Glock Raider,

I have also been called Crazy Dave. But, that was not a typo. Maybe I was wrong and it was a 30 round clip.

I remember seeing the picture in (I think it was a sig catalog) of a huge clip that stuck way down out of the handle of the gun. I thought it was super cool at the time and considered ordering two.

If my memory is correct it was a 45 round clip. I think the cost was around $45 dollars too. That must have been about 9 years ago.

I hope someone can verify that. If not call me Crazy Dave.

There's been much bashing of Pro-Mag here, but I have some for my Sig 228 and Hi-Power and NEVER had a problem with them. Though I do have some of those Polymer Glock ones and they are crap. As for Mec-Gar, I bought some for my Para and had to put them to a grinder to get them to fit; though they do work flawlwssly now. Truth is there's no place like home..errr....I mean factory.
I have the SIGARMS Quarterly (published by SIGARMS) dated back to 1988 and the biggest factory mags were the 20-rd 9mm blue for the P226/228. There was never any bigger than 20-rd from the factory.
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