afraid of guns

This isn't dvice on how to do it; it's just a story about a situation which worked out well.

One of my shooting pards has a wife and a daughter (not the current wife's kid) who are really anti-gun. However, the daughter is coming around. Her's how it happened.

The girl (twenty-something) gradually got over the idea that dad was carrying, but still didn't like it. One day when she was home for a visit, she came out to our local cowboy shoot and watched the friendly, safe, and entertaining competition. I think it helped that dad did pretty well that day, but the thing that really made the difference, I think, was that some women shot and another woman, a co-worker of the dad, was there to observe too and she had a healthy attitude about guns. Never hurts to have an older role model.

After that, daughter has shot with us three different times, twice when other women were involved. The last time a big smile was often on her face as she popped balloons on the plinking range. (Most beginners like for something visible to happen on the other end--paper is boring.)

I asked the young lady at that session where her gun was and she said, "I don't have a gun." She didn't add "yet," as I had hoped, but she didn't indicate she hated them anymore and would never have one, which is what she would have said a few weeks earlier. I am greatly encouraged at her progress in attitude.