Nestor Rivera, I'll vote for the candidate I feel will honor the oath of office and not because of the political party. I am a native Texan myself but now live in Arkansas and this State is controlled by members of the democrat party, for many years. We have a republican governor now too. This present governor is as much socialist as the democrats. History proves neither republican nor democrats honor the oath of office. The oath of office is the reason citizens elect representatives to public office in this Republic. Voting for any other reason is a wasted vote and not in the best of the Republic.
Have you read the new Texas Constitution?
How long has in been since you read the United States Constitution?
Introduction to the Constitution, Prepared by Joanne Campbell:
The United States Constitution is a document that was written to grant specified powers to a centralized authority. Any thing, any power, not specified within the Constitution as being granted to this 'federal' government, or specifically denied to the individual States, remains within the authority of the individual States and of the people. In reality, the United States Constitution was written to govern "government(s)" And also in reality, the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the government(s). When the United States, or any one of the States violates the Constitution without reprisal they, for all intents and purposes, make it null and void.
The Constitution was not written to control the people, nor to give any rights to the people. It is written to control the centralized government that the people felt they needed in order to defend themselves and their States from foreign influences and invasion, and to dispel certain disagreements between the States.
All words have meaning. It is often too easy to overlook the meaning of the most simple, most common words in the English language. But without a full understanding of the meaning of the words, within the context of their usage, it is impossible to understand the true intent of any written document. The following pages repeat the complete text of the Constitution along with a study of the words that give it its meaning. It is urgent that every American citizen understand exactly what their centralized government is empowered to do. This Constitution is hanging on a precipice of extreme danger. If we don't reclaim it now, it will be gone forever.
Benjamin Franklin said the Constitution would be a "blessing to the people if well administered, and (believed) farther that it is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other." (Convention notes of James Madison) Of Article 1 Section 9, James Madison wrote, in The Federalist, #44: "--legislative interference is but the first link in a long chain of repetitions; every subsequent interference being naturally produced by the effects of the preceding." Courts of law refer to this as setting a precedent. Once Congress is allowed to usurp the powers that belong to the people or to the States, it is seen as grounds for the next usurpation.
Apparently his warning applies to the entire Constitution! If we remember this warning as we study just what it is that the United States government is allowed to do, and look at just what it, in all three of its branches is doing, we might understand just what a perilous time it is for our Constitution, and for We The People.
As you study, remember, the people are granting rights (powers) to a governing body with this Constitution. The governing body does not yet exist. A nonexistent entity has no power, and therefore is incapable of granting rights, or anything else.
I will email the complete document to anyone who wants it.