Advice request for CCW with family/kids

Thanks for all the great replies. It may be time to talk to my boys about ccw.

I have several iwb holsters. The one that caused me to beg for my fannypack was a remora "sticky" holster wearing shorts and a golf shirt. I was in the car for several hours while on a shopping trip. I also have a hybrid crossbreed type holster, but it feels a little bulky for summer carry. I have a 911 vest, but I never really got comfortable with it. I also have used a belly band with the G19 at 3 oclock a little above my waist line. Although the belly band is stealthy and comfortable, it was a little cumbersome to draw from.

Again, thanks for all the input.
My kids all know that dad carries a gun. They also know that there are things polite people don't talk about in public. Things on the inside of our pants are on that list.

I agree, and that there is funny as hell.


While at the Chicago Field museum last winter my 2.5 year old daughter had to go potty, the womans restroom had a long line, and the mens was empty, so i took my daughter to the mens restroom. Well while shes sitting there she deciedes to ask me loadly "Daddy, you got your gun?"

Kids sometimes blurt things out despite whatever you've talked about, or think they understand. They know immediately that they weren't supposed to say what just came out, but it can sometimes be a little awkward.
Some excellent parenting is going on by forum members, with Jimbob86 foremost in today's competition.

Thank You for the compliments, guys ...... sometimes (especially with teen-agers!) it is hard to know if you are doing a good, or even adequate job ..... and it is my full time job ...... I'm a full time dad and part time contractor.

Thanks again.
I highly recommend a holster that allows you to re-holster one handed. One of the most comfortable IWB holsters I have tried is a "tuckable" IWB from Hidden Hybred Holsters, very high quality at an excellent price. Delivery under 2 weeks. They make one for the G19:


I've never hid from my family that I carry, I think its important that they know how to react in public if they realize I'm carrying, not just how to interact with you but what to do if you needed to use the gun. I also had a polite but serious talk with my 10yr old daughter about talking about it in public. She likes to give me hugs alot and so I included how to without grabbing/moving/printing the gun, my wife too whom otherwise is not a gun person.

Thank God your moving away from the fanny pack carry, good luck on your search for a quality holster if your like most you'll end up with a few that didn't work out for you before finding the right one.
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Belt and Holster

When I first started carrying years ago, I didn't have a true "gun belt" and even a cross breed deluxe was uncomfortable. I got a true "gun belt" from Blackhawk and it made a huge difference. I can carry all day long and not even notice I am carrying. I have recently lost a lot of weight and had to order a smaller belt, couldn't find the CQC belt and had to go with a different one. If you look, you can find one that will work. I wear dress clothes virtually every day and even though I am carrying IWB under my dress shirt, you can't tell. I have carried a Walther PPK/S, a Beretta 92FS compact and an M&P40c very comfortably for years. I have found that 3 o'clock is the most comfortable while driving for distances, many times as much as 5-6 hours at a time. Even though IWB would be difficult to draw in a vehicle, the gun is always with me. I have tried Bianchi leather holsters (worked and comfortable), SERPA outside the waistband (not real easy to conceal), Crossbreed Supertuck (fantastic), and a Minotaur Comptac/Mtac (even better).

As for telling your kids, that's entirely up to you. Mine know and have since I started carrying, but they were of an age where they knew to be quiet about it. As far distress words/codes and what I expect from them in a situation, we haven't really discussed it as they think I am being paranoid and nothing ever happens where we live. Even though evil can travel, momma doesn't want to discuss it. Don't talk about it and it won't happen. My boys are showing interest and we talk about it when we can, but it is challenging with so many time commitments on the schedule.
Good thread and good advice. I do not have a CCW so I OC when I feel the need to carry. However, during family event's I often question whether or not to bring my gun. I think that OC would be a bit more trouble than it's worth despite how comfortable it is to carry a 1911 owb (I have a big family, some of which I don't know that well).

The other day my 5 year old nephew came over for me to babysit. I own two guns, an 870 tactical and my 1911. I keep the 870 loaded (not sure what condition this is) but with the pump open (as in ready to be cocked) with 6 in the tube and an empty chamber. When he comes over I always unload it and put it away, even though he'd never be able to pick it up, much less operate it.

As I digress, I took my pistol out of my waistband (I sometime CCW in my house and property) And was about to unload it and lock it up when I realized "My 5 year old nephew is here. If I feel the need to carry a gun when I'm home alone, I certainly need to carry when he's here". I stuck it back in my pants and that was that.

From now on, I always carry concealed at family events. I greatly doubt they will throw the law at me if they knew for whatever reason. But bad things happen in crazy places. I prefer being able to keep my family safe.
Good thread and good advice. I do not have a CCW so I OC when I feel the need to carry. However, during family event's I often question whether or not to bring my gun. I think that OC would be a bit more trouble than it's worth despite how comfortable it is to carry a 1911 owb (I have a big family, some of which I don't know that well).

Get your permit. Problem solved.

A 1911 carries IWB pretty well (because it is pretty flat), with a good belt and holster.

When he comes over I always unload it and put it away,

Good plan.

even though he'd never be able to pick it up, much less operate it.

Bad assumption. Kids will do amazing things because they have no fear when they are small..... My son son was just learning to walk, and was using the chairs around our round pedestal dining room table as hand rails, doing laps anound the table .... I went downstairs and changed out the load of laundry, and brought up the basket of clean clothes .... was gone maybe 3 minutes. As I came back through the dining room, there he was, standing on wobbly legs in the middle of the dining room table, pumping his fists up and down and hooting like a demented monkey ..... scared the crap outa me ....
I would, however in Wisconsin you must be 21, and I am only 20. I'll be getting it first thing. Screw drinking legally, I much prefer being a responsible armed citizen.

Yeah I suppose you have a point, he is pretty smart, and quite strong. The assumtion that he can't lift or operate my gun only really applied a couple years ago. Now I am much more careful. He knows not to touch them if they were ever out, and I tell him if he ever wants to see them, ask me. Don't go looking for them. I am always happy to show him my firearms, safely. I think that does a lot to kill his curiosity. When my shotgun, IS sitting out, trigger lock on and unloaded, he never even looks at it twice anymore.
I took my kids shooting when they were very small (Eldest touched off my flintlock stoked with 50grains of FFg at age 3) so they understood that guns go BANG! .... and "no BANGING! stuff in the house" was already a rule ...... as was "If it is not yours, don't fool with it!" .....

I miss those days ..... stuff was simpler then ..... now the older ones have boyfriends and jobs ..... drivers liscenses ..... never a dull moment around here!
We had a homecoming parade this past weekend. I was carrying concealed, as I always do, and my wife was giving me the business because "sometimes you don't need to carry. Why would you carry at a parade?" My response, "why wouldn't I? If someone was looking for a public place with a ton a of people who aren't suspecting anything, this would be the place." Again, not that my hometown has any kind of crime problem at all, but criminals can travel rather quickly with vehicles and I don't want to be caught off guard.
Well said Qtiphky. I wouldn't expect to be shot at while walking in the park near my house in a good neighborhood, but boy do wish I had a gun then. Terrible things happen in good places. Many people at my church are carrying now. After the Sikh temple shooting, churches are no longer a safe haven. Infact, no where is. Carry in your house too. All this learning about CCW and stuff doesn't matter if your guns not with you when the bad guys show up. And you're going to feel really dumb when you get killed in your own home because you only carry OUTSIDE of home.
I know of three local churches with their own security teams, just a few members who carry concealed, they know their congregation can become a target at a diabolical whim.
Go back to the fanny pack. People make so much hay about them but guess what..........I have only been asked once if I have a gun in my bag (after twenty years to date) and #2 I don't give three craps what others thing about its stylishness. My fanny pack is comfortable, allows me to carry a larger gun and spare mag in any clothing, allows discrete access when needed, is extremely convenient, and eliminates any chance of going unarmed because of attire.

Your children should be educated about your carry gun as soon as they can handle the responsibility. My boys knew at around age 3 and did a very good job of keeping it a secret. Had a couple of hiccups but overall was great. Here is the important part will your kids react to your having to pull said glock to defend yourself? My kids, if they did as instructed beforehand, would drop to the floor and await my next command. The last thing I want in a gunfire exchange is for my kids to stand and watch making them easy to hit for my adversary. Get those kids trained up for their safety if for no other reason. They will make some mistakes with their lips, so what. Just keep educating them on not doing it.
I am in your same situation. My wife knows I always carry, but my three small kids don't. I cave been carrying all their lives but none of them have ever noticed. I have often carried a pm9 in a pocket, but more often a CW9 or a Glock 23 IWB at 4:00.
for long car rides, just finding the happy position is critical. All my favorite holsters us a single metal clip and can be repositioned easily, and usually I do reposition it (through my shirt) when I sit down in the car. A more steep forward tilt is usually the most comfortable for me while sitting.
I imagine many factors play into car carry. Being a lefty for me is advantages, and also a hindrance. If you feel the need to pull your gun, and your gun is on your right hip, the bad guy may think you are unbuckling your seatbelt. That being said, the seatbelt may hinder your draw. Being a lefty, if I am driving, I can draw more discreetly I imagine. I say get your gun and your holster, sit in your car and practice different positions that are comfortable, and make for a good draw.

Maybe have a friend or family member stand outside of the car to see what it would look like from the bad guy's perspective. You could also try OWB carry for in the car.

Let us know what works!