Advice on building AR pistol in 22lr for wife and kid?

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I believe there have been a couple that was publicized, and if I remember right, the more prominent one, was by a cop.

I personally knew someone who shot up his neighbor's house with one (Ruger AC556), was arrested and did some time for it, but for some reason, nothing about the gun ever came out or up as I remember.
A point to remember is that the $200 tax has been "only 200" since 1934!

It is one of the few, if not the only govt "tax" that has not changed or been adjusted for inflation. (yet,)

When a cheap shotgun (easily "sawed off" cost you $5 after the Supreme court Miller decision, upholding the 1934 NFA (because the court "had been presented no evidence otherwise") legally owning that $5 shotgun cost you $200 in tax.

I've heard that the $200 was chosen for the tax because it was the amount of a Tommygun at retail price. Don't know if its true but that amount was applied as the tax for most NFA items, and still is, today.

Which is yet another point about an AR pistol at this time. Right now, today, they are at the top of the hit list with today's news reporting some Dems in congress are asking the president to restrict them by executive action. They are called "concealable assault weapons" now, and I don't think they're going to make exceptions for .22LR. :eek:
On the other hand, if the OP's wife and kid just want a .22 AR-15 clone to play with -- just buy the S&W and start shooting.
That's what I am doing.

Initially I wanted to go with a short barreled AR platform because I thought it would be lighter and more manageable for small shooters, but given all the regulatory complications I think a 16" barrel M&P15-22 is the way to go.

I appreciate everybody's thoughtful replies.
I don't blame the shooting public or manufacturers for contorted firearm concepts, I blame tyranical control freaks at the ATF!
But making people into felons for the way they hold their firearm and/or because they haven't purchased a two hundred dollar tax stamp isn't?
People become felons by committing a crime and being convicted. If you know of an actual felony conviction simply through non-crime commission use I'd like to hear about it. Point is, the ATF usually gives violators wide latitude and benefit of the doubt for simply being ignorant and not knowing the laws when violations have been made.
This thread was about building an AR-15 pistol. The OP has announced that he had decided to purchase an AR-15 rifle, so this discussion has served its purpose. If you want to discuss the legality of so-called pistol braces, take it to Law & Civil Rights, where the subject has already been discussed.

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