adequate number of magazines

zeke: said:
Am usually trying for 5 for minimum, but certainly have some exceptions. Particulary for the small back ups that are rarely used. Mag shortages are not fun, or when some manufacturers discontinue models rather quickly and when you get into the habit of buying already discontinued/obsolete models. The older ya get, the more you may run into the discontinued/obsolete part.

For pistols used a lot, like having at least 10 mags.

For my Sig P6 I bought every good OEM magazine I could find at a decent price, to avoid using ProMags, which shoot OK, but which don’t drop free from this pisrol. I’ve seen the Sig OEM mags on EBay for $100.00 but I’ve been able to find nice ones that work great for around $25.00. I have 7 so far, extra magazines help the resale value for a gun like my P6.
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Most of the shooting I do is competition, and that generally means at least four mags for each gun.
Mags for some of my guns cost more than the guns did at the time I got them, so I keep my eyes open for bargains, but often make do with one or two mags.
The only "high" cap I own is an HP, and for that I have four ten-rounders for competition, and three factory 13s.
Number of magazines

When I got my match 1911A1 wadcutter pistol I got 2 magazines with it. I thought I ought to have a few spares because malfunctioning magazines cost points. 38 years later I have worn out all of those plus a few more. Quality, reliable magazines are no longer the 1982 price of $8, typically over $35 each now. Wish I had bought a couple dozen back then....
My IDPA and USPSA guns, I like to have enough magazines to load in advance and shoot a typical club level match.
IDPA ESP, I can carry 12 ten round magazines for up to 18 shots in each of six stages, plus a spare, plus a Barney, plus one loaded with only 6 rounds for a stage calling for a downloaded start.

I can get through most of the weeknight USPSA shoots in 9mm Limited Minor but I don't have enough .45 STI magazines to do it in L10. Yet. I have a line on a couple; I need to check the status of.

Likewise five .22 magazines for Steel Challenge Rimfire. That is only one stage with five strings but 30 clips for the whole match would be unfeasible.

Defensive weapons and plinkers, at least three, better six.
Realistically, most of the extra magazines I own, will end up in an estate sale, new in package, when I die. I have a hunch we all have FAR more than we will ever need.

Heh, you're spot on as far as I'm concerned. Kinda sad actually. Got more toys than time.
Magazines are so well made these days that 3 or 4 is probably more than you’ll ever need. Of course if hi-cap mags become a banned item, their value will only increase as supply dwindles.....
I think for my G19 I have 3 normal, 2 G17 mags with spacers, 2 G17 mags with +2 base plates and spacers. I might have a G19 with a +2 base plate also.
My IDPA and USPSA guns, I like to have enough magazines to load in advance and shoot a typical club level match.
Yup, a really good point.

When I'm going to shoot a match, I don't want to be loading magazines during the match.
  • I like being able to watch other competitors shoot to pick up on things for shooting that stage instead of loading.
  • I like knowing that I loaded my mags in a controlled environment and was very careful to get the right number of rounds in each one.
  • I like being able to rest my hands between stages instead of messing with ammo and magazines.
  • I like not having to mess with loose ammo where it could be dropped in the dirt or dropped and lost.
  • I like not having to re-use mags at a match after they have potentially been dropped and dirtied.
....I only own three autos.

Being concerned that someday that 13-15 round Browning H.P. mags will again be restricted at the national level...

So at this point I have 14 7-round 1911 .45 ACP mags, 11 .38 Super 1911 mags and 10 Browning High Power mags...a couple 13 rounds the rest 15 rounds.

Do I have enough magazines?

Obviously the answer depends on how many rounds you shoot a month.
But if hi-cap mags should become “restricted” it will most likely mirror Trump’s executive order that banned bump-stocks in 2018.
Legal one day...a felony the next. So you may want to keep that in mind.
But if hi-cap mags should become “restricted” it will most likely mirror Trump’s executive order that banned bump-stocks in 2018.
Legal one day...a felony the next. So you may want to keep that in mind.
True, betting on a Grandfather Clause is never a safe bet.

I like to have 5 clips for anything I may carry, but I'm OK with 3 for range only pistols. One thing I may start investing in is springs, a few followers, and base plates.