Adding to my Wall of Color.

Wow, that's a unique collection! To each their own, I guess. I like'em black or wood, with an occasional nod to stainless. Even my SR22 is black.

I don't see any Beretta Neos on that wall, though. They come in some purty colors too.
The first thing I saw was the C96 Mauser and started drooling.

It's a shame you can't plug the Dewalt AR's magazines into a little charging box that refills them for you after 30 minutes or so... and a Sawzall bayonet blade would be phenomenal. Lol
Peggy, In the past I have made off color (ha ha) comments about "The Wall" all in jest of course but you have hit new heights in your personal firearms collection. The next time i fire colorful words at your firearms ownership I should be tied to a chair facing your wall and left for an hour, that should be enough to bring me (or anyone) to my knees. :D
Lol. I like it. I certainly can't get you any crap for wanting to have some color. While I myself only own standards...I can't help but watch all the AR fans who want all the special camo stocks and the funny colors. Especially knowing how little it matters for camouflage.

Anyway. I know a few people who fell in love with this;


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I have a LOT of guns on all 4 walls plus. Did i Say lot of guns? These tags tell me when i bought them and what type of guns, caliber, and any mods i did to them. i also keep a spread sheet too. Why?
That's just flat-out cool! I'm so boring, collecting firearms based on colors would never even have occurred to me. I'm kinda partial to the raspberry colors myself. :D

I see single examples of some of the weapons on that wall. Somehow "weapon" seems to be a poor choice of words. Don't get me wrong, they can still all kill.
I'm 72 and almost everything I still own is blue and wood. With a few in stainless thrown in.
Not intending to offend anyone but my opinion is the wall is just barley pretty in my eyes.
And SaxonPig
That does make an interesting display. Nothing wrong with colorful firearms.
You're right. Haven't noticed many in your extensive collection though.
To each her/his own.