Actors and guns..

apr1775... I just watched The Daily Show about 3 minutes ago, where she repeated almost that exact quote. She adds that it would be ok for robots to have guns, since they don't feel any emotion.

John Stewart proves her wrong there by citing Robocop. Robots with guns obviously aren't perfect either :p But too bad he was only trying to make a joke, since he proved he's a vicious anti as well.
molson, you're still not getting it. lying is deception. acting is performing. there is a very significant difference and the reason I'm so adamant about this is that you're implying that because of their chosen profession they don't deserve to be listened to as much as a doctor, police officer, soldier, gun shop owner, preacher or whatever other profession you want to throw into the mix. they do not lie for a living, they act for a living. yes, lying is a bad thing. if you're lying to a woman about how she looks you're still lying and you're still being dishonest and you're still doing a bad thing. putting on a performance does not come with the desire to actually deceive the audience.

I've put on a number of performances in a slightly different manner and yet I have never lied while on stage. I have acted and danced the part of a character I was tasked with portraying. If I got up after the show and told the audience "hey guys, I really am the king of siam" then that would be a lie. But just because I have portrayed one in a show does not mean that I have lied nor does it negate any opinion I have on any issue.

You say "most" of them don't use that part of their many hollywood actors do you know personally? How many have you spoken to, how many have expressed their opinions to you without being in front of an interview camera or subject to editing? If you're going to imply that you understand the psychology of thespians and use it to discount their opinion as you did here:

why anyone listens to someone who literally lies for a living, is beyond me.
then you'd better have something to back that up.
John Stewart proves her wrong there by citing Robocop. Robots with guns obviously aren't perfect either But too bad he was only trying to make a joke, since he proved he's a vicious anti as well.
While that wouldn't surprise me at all - even though i really like Stewart as a comedian and a pundit - what exactly has he said that proves he's viciously antigun? :confused:
I guess Stewart isn't really an anti... I never had done research on him, and don't watch the Daily Show often enough. I guess the fact that he let someone come on his show and say people shouldn't have guns, without challenge from him, led me to believe he agreed. The indifference of good men is nearly as bad as the antis in my opinion.
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He lets a lot of people come on the show that he disagrees with. His job isn't to put forth a political opinion, it's to make jokes and entertain. I understand what you're saying and if we were talking about an actual political commentary show I'd agree but this is The Daily Show. :p It's pure jokes. I really don't know his stance on guns and some of the stories done by the show regarding guns seem to make fun of antis and their crazy ideas as much as gun owners.

I just happen to disagree; indifference is everyone's right. People can have little opinion on any subject they wish. It's only the antis that bother me and lashing out at the fence-sitters or those that don't jump the defense of gun owners can be very counter-productive for our agenda.
Anti-gunners just don't get it. They just can't understand that there are bad people ALL around the world. There are some bad people here, in the USA, who kill innocent people because the anti-gunners have helped to further the agenda of the bad people by stupidly aiding them with useless anti-gun laws and "gun free zones." In other countries there are people who hate the United States simply because it exists. These same people would invade our nation and kill innocent people even faster than a homicidal maniac. If the anti-gunners don't want to fight to live, that's okay by me BUT they, their minority of loudmouth whiners, should take it some place else like overseas to be with their American hating buddies and fellow terrorists.
Jon Stewart is a host of a fake news show. He puts forth (seemingly so) no actual political agenda, and contradicts himself quite often. His reaction with guests are for comedy. I believe (I may be wrong) that he has not come out pro or anti gun.
His job isn't to put forth a political opinion, it's to make jokes and entertain. I understand what you're saying and if we were talking about an actual political commentary show I'd agree but this is The Daily Show.
The very few times ( not few for any reason other than it doesn't fit my schedule)I have watched the show he has gone off on a very personal political rant.
One in particular was a extremely impassioned diatribe, just can't remember what the subject was but i was definitely anti Bush

But I can't find one reference to his being anti gun or making anti gun statements, which surprises me

I prefer the spin off Colbert Report
That guy is a very gifted improvationist
Oh he's certainly anti-Bush but then again so is the majority of the country and certainly the majority of his show's audience and will naturally play to that. It's his show, after all, so one could argue that the opinions expressed by it are his own since he runs the thing...but at the end of the day it's still a fake news show put on for the purposes of comedy. It just also happens to be brilliant social and political commentary for my generation. :cool: Only South Park comes close.

But yeah, I looked around (not very hard, mind you) and couldn't find anything solid that reveals his personal opinion on gun control.

Colbert is hilarious, too. :D
Colbert is my hero! There aren't nearly enough show hosts who so openly brag about being an American Patriot! A man like him, who supports the constitution so viciously, is a fine man by me!!!
It's hard for me to tell if he actually is Anti-Bush, or if he does it because of his audience. I mean he once got in an argument on Crossfire I believe where he said that he came on after a show where puppets make prank phone calls... how can we take everything he says as a political view. He is funny, and good at improving his commentary I believe, but as far as his own person political agenda, I believe he acts as a good host should and does not expose too much.
Colbert is my hero! There aren't nearly enough show hosts who so openly brag about being an American Patriot! A man like him, who supports the constitution so viciously, is a fine man by me!!!

I hope you are kidding since that is part Colbert's of shtick. He is lampooning conservative talk shows icons like O'Reilly, and Rush Limbuagh etc. I hope people are not believing his comedy routine is real. Colbert in real life is as left wing as one can get.
I hope you are kidding since that is part Colbert's of shtick. He is lampooning conservative talk shows icons like O'Reilly, and Rush Limbuagh etc. I hope people are not believing his comedy routine is real. Colbert in real life is as left wing as one can get.

I've actually run into a couple people before who don't actually seem to "get the joke." Which, of course, just makes it that much funnier to me.
Regarding John Stewart, keep in mind the guy's primary goal is comedy, and to entertain. I doubt he would want to interject his personal views during an interview with a guest.

He may be as anti as they come for all I know, but I wouldn't take the Foster interview as evidence of that.
I found out maybe there is hope for Hollywood. Appearently Jesse Spencer of the TV series House is a pretty good hunting buddy of my boss. Jesse Spencer and and my boss's son are room mates out in California