Actors and guns..

I was reading the Jodie Foster thread and got to thinking. Why is it that the most trigger happy stage characters are in real life anti-gun. For example. Michael Gross of Tremors fame leans anti gun. And that's just one case I could name many. I think I'm on to something. I just haven't figured it out yet.
The majority of actors are anti gun period.
The Tom Sellecks are a small minority and not many more neutral.

Most are anti gun FOR YOU. They may well have whatever gun they wish for sport or defense... or a bodyguard; and they will certainly brandish prop guns for the money. Share a lot with The Oldest Profession that way.
Adam Baldwin isn't...Jayne from Firefly.

He's a staunch conservative, and has been on some fan boards handing leftists their ivory-tower posteriors on political issues. One even called him a "neanderthal".

Also likes guns, unsurprisingly. :D
Actors generally come from Liberal Arts Schools where they studied... Acting. Liberal Arts schools almost all have a leftist leaning. Hollywood actors live in a world NOTHING like that of everyday people, they believe everything can be solved through negotiations with their agent or by throwing money at it. Need I go on?
Just a few fallacies in the arguments there. Many liberals for instance are progun. A number of Conservatives are antigun.

Many liberals are pretend conservatives and vice versa.

Though reading this thread is no different than saying all conservatives believe you can solve everything by selling weapons to terrorist supporting regimes. It has the same problems and doesn't do anything to answer the question but insults people.
Just a few fallacies in the arguments there. Many liberals for instance are progun. A number of Conservatives are antigun.

A majority of liberals are ANTI-gun and a minority of conservatives are Pro-gun.

Please look at the liberal front runners and poster children and tell me which ones are pro-gun.
I went to a liberal arts college and I am far from anti-gun. In fact going to a liberal arts school made me a well rounded individual.

Actors are typically anti-gun because thats the "popular" thing to do and when it comes down to it all they want is for people to "like" them and watch their show/movie so that typically means jumping on the band wagon and hating guns, big oil, fatty foods, republicans, etc.

It's all about being in the "In" crowd :rolleyes:
"...thats the "popular" thing to do..." Exactly. Most of the old 1940's to early 1960's Hollywood types were avid shooters. A lot of 'em still are, but it's not PC to broadcast it.
I just saw "Quigley Down Under" for the first time this weekend what a great movie, made even better knowing Tom Selleck is such a gun enthusiast
ok. Just moved 2 actors to the top of my "Favorites" list.

I enjoyed Baldwin but didn't know he was pro-gun(Should be if Firefly is any concern..He probably loved that role).... As for Selleck.. I never even looked..... I assumed he was Anti.

One of the best known actors to be pro-gun Had his 100th (Memorial) birthday this year.

The great John Wayne. ;)

And Ol Reagan was a Actor before he was president. He got shot and still was a pro-gunner ;) That is logical but I bet it surprised some anti-gunners when that happened:D

I know both are "Old movie actors" But it goes to show how many people that were respected and known about their position were so popular :D
Certain people in Hollywood are anti-gun for the same reason people we know are anti gun. They where taught by their family, friends, co-workers, media and/or the educational system to believe guns are bad. Also Hollywood, like many affluent social circles has certain beliefs one most follow to be considered to be part of it, much like many actors are big into Global Warming, and being anti-Bush. It just happens that the film industry, and the acting profession general tend to have a very high concentration of people who subscribe to the progressive movement. It attracts very progressive minded people. There are also some more conservative anti-gun actors in Hollywood, such as Sylvester Stallone and Clint Eastwood who probably are that way because the have been around Hollywood politics too long. Though there are celebrities such as Bruce Willis, that are pro-gun but don't advertise it since it would negatively influence their job.
The great John Wayne
Angel and the Badman
The Shootist
Check the endings

And Ol Reagan was a Actor before he was president. He got shot and still was a pro-gunner
Supported the AWB
Dirty Harry himself is anti gun, but he is good friends with Charleton Heston.
Birds of a feather?
“I've always supported a certain amount of gun control,” said the man who made the .44 Magnum famous. “I think it's very important that guns don't get in the wrong hands… It's very important to keep them out of the hands of felons or anyone who might be crazy with it.”

"AK-47's are inappropriate for private ownership, of course."
Heston circa 1968
Not quite

They are actors making movies
The views they express are expressed with the intention of furthering their careers
When sentiments change significantly so will they expressed views
“I've always supported a certain amount of gun control,”

Me too. We all (well the vast majority of us) do..

Whats the right amount....

Okay WA, I'll bite. None--unless an individual, group, or corporation obtains such a monopoly on firepower that coersion of others is implicit. And that can no longer be done just with "guns". But for instance, if Bill Gates wanted to buy a nuke and hold us hostage until we rewrite the history books to say Microsoft created the first GUI, we'd need to do something.

I'm okay with a mean rancher blasting away with machine guns on his premises posted with "tresspassers shot on sight", but I'm not okay with a group of guys with machine guns intimidating outsiders on a public road.

I guess what I'm saying is simply, don't infringe the right to bear arms peaceably.

Back to actors: What's up with Brangelina? One of the features on the Mr. and Mrs. Smith DVD show them undergoing extesive live fire training in prep for the movie. Does anyone know if their training and familiarity with guns softened their attitudes on gun control?
My problem is with the silliness that follows after an actor uses any certain type of weapon in a movie.

For example, lots of clients wanted "big Bowie knives" when The Alamo first came out.

They wanted katanas when that stupid "Squatting Tiger Belching Dragon" movie was popular. I think I broke a few hearts when I told some of them that owning a katana will not allow you to fly...

To many theatre fanatics the most dangerous hitman is an albino with Sicilian switchblade. I cannot figure out how these myths get started.
I'm far more concerned with writers/producers and guns than actors and guns. The actors are merely doing what they are told. Nine times out of ten they don't give a hoot what the political message is if there even is a political message. Actors don't write the scripts or direct the scenes (usually) so I think it's more important to focus on the attitudes of the writing staff which - like actors - tend to come from more anti-gun backgrounds.

But I'd like to point that I'm not the only one among my liberal friends that has watched Star Trek and hollered "finger off the trigger, damnit!" when someone holds a phaser rifle unsafely. :D