Active shooter plan

not only that Patriot (referring to the two posts in between this one and my last one), an off-duty LEO has the same rights as a civilian often times. Yes, he/she might be a Chicago cop on duty, but while offduty vacationing the family in Indiana this is a mute point .

Also, following plans can get someone killed. Don't get me wrong, they are good and it is prudent to have them, but sometimes doing something instead of hiding or running is beneficial. Someone might think it is best to run/hide and/or it might be their first thought, but that doesn't mean it's the best route to go. Only YOU know if you can do something to save people and end a threat. Trusting your instinct and acting in an appropriate manner is very important.

Don't be superman, but manytimes a CCW can save the day. Of course you are always risking your life while you do so - same as someone who runs into a burning house to save someone. Sometimes they come out, and sometimes they don't. Lots of times the person does make it though. Those two guys at the Pentagon on 9/11 who rushed back in saved a number of people, soldiers, sailors, etc and that situation was pretty much as dangerous as it can get. they also had to go against the grain to do it, and they claimed it was a no-brainer.
This is an interesting discussion. Reading through it, Patriot86's comments were my thoughts, and then he verbalized them. While I wouldn't start clearing rooms searching for a shooter, I would probably respond if someone was being attacked near me. I'd be very surprised if, with so many witnesses nearby, I would have any problem justifying my actions.
Recently had some training for our office in this type of thing, the LEO presenting the day's training informed us that if you want to try and hide, go ahead, the shooter will methodically find and kill you in turn. When engaged by police, many such shooters will commit suicide, so the old tactic of waiting for reinforcements, SWAT, and such things, are now replaced by the tactic of immediate engagement, according to our trainer. He emphasized that anyone fighting back, by throwing objects, chairs, whatever, may jolt the nutcase into suicide or an inactive state, as well as gain time for police to arrive before additional lives are lost. In other words, we may get killed while fighting for our lives, but we will get killed if we don't.
Also, following plans can get someone killed.

Agreed 100%. Active shooter situations can present themselves in different ways, in different locations.

You could be eating dinner when some guy comes in and shoots the couple next to you (his ex and her new man) and walks outside and kills himself. Or you could be in a crowd when a gangbanger starts shooting wildly trying to hit a guy who owes him money. Then, there is the VT/Ft Hood/New Life Church type which is a whole different ball of wax.

It's certainly not a one-size-fits-all scenario you can plan effectively for. Personally, if I can take action to protect the innocent, I will.
QUOTE: Hiker1

You could be eating dinner when some guy comes in and shoots the couple next to you (his ex and her new man) and walks outside and kills himself. Or you could be in a crowd when a gangbanger starts shooting wildly trying to hit a guy who owes him money. Then, there is the VT/Ft Hood/New Life Church type which is a whole different ball of wax.

Since getting out of the Marine Corp and carrying a rifle in vietnam, I look back at the dangerous situations I have sometimes encountered thru the years, never being armed. Then even with some close calls at places where
I frequent, having armed robberies I still never bothered to bother to go get a gun permit. You mention VT/Ft Hook being a different ball of wax.
That one event at Ft Hood, caused me to make the decision finally go spend the dollars for the training, the weapons, and to obtain a Texas CWP. So now I carry because I believe there is greater danger now from armed criminals, home invaders, carjacker, and muslim jihadists than years ago.
And also now gangbangers who don't read no gun signs. I try to think thru
potential situations but like someone said, no plan survives the initial contact.
And in watching videos on this forum and others, it seems like situations can happen so fast, it would be easy to get confused about identifying the threat.
Seems like some of the shootings are all over in less than a minute. I train
regularly but hope I do not every have to use deadly force to stop someone
and I am reluctant to act unless me or my family are at risk.
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If the perp is within 15yds and doesn't see me I'll take the shot. If I am being shot at I will shoot back.

Otherwise I will escape or hide.

In most active shooter situations I see the perp having more firepower than me.

I CCW to save myself and family not to further the cause.
One thing to consider is that plans like these may get you shot if another armed citizen has similar plans. It gets pretty hard to tell good guys from bad once everyone goes on the offense.