Active Shooter Drills Draw Complaints/Lawsuit

It is not always possible, but our local PDs have used a closed school and an empty shopping mall (both scheduled to be demolished) as training areas. Good realism and with entry controlled, no way a member of the public could walk in or be hurt.

Some people are just idiots. Despite the previous problems of such drills, a principal in Florida thought it would be okay to have an active shooter drill during school hours, no bad guy, but ran the drill unannounced and has the RSOs running around the school with weapons drawn (pistol, loaded, AR15 not loaded) and scaring the hell out of the children as a result (unintentional, but still scaring them). The principal is suspended and parents are NOT happy.
I read the article carefully to see if there was a environment where an armed "actor"
could have been taken down by an unknowing adult/teacher, and then his weapon
used (in apparent self defense) on other "actors". (Then there'd be hell to pay as
the courts tried to figure that one out.)

In this case however, the article only describes it as being ".. the school resource
officer and another police officer systematically entered classrooms with weapons
in hand — one had a loaded pistol and another had an unloaded AR-15.

So apparently both were known and/or in uniform.... a slightly different bent to things
than might otherwise be inferred.

Still.... not too smart at all. You do have to wonder about just the basic intelligence
of the educrats who've somehow filtered up through the system.

post: The included pic series of "People who want more guns in schools" was a classically-breathless Huffington Post footnote.
Still.... not too smart at all. You do have to wonder about just the basic intelligence of the educrats who've somehow filtered up through the system.

Not too smart? I would say that it was absolutely stupid to run such a drill with uninformed children and teachers along with officers with at least one confirmed loaded weapon and the concern isn't with the administrators, but also with the officers who ran the drill.

Jewett school administrators, including Moore, and the Winter Haven Police Department school resource officer coordinated the drill.

Also note...
Some students told parents that officers pointed guns at them.

My guess is that this claim, echoed by different students in several publications, came as a result of being swept by officers "clearing" rooms.

Apparently, the Captain of the Safe Schools program knew of the drill, but was UNAWARE it would be run with drawn guns. Apparently, nobody thought enough about this to have policy on running surprise drills to suggest proper safety be employed.

Overall, it appears that there was bone-headedness across the board and a general lack of prudent behavior on the part of the school's administration, officers involved in the planning and implementation of the drill, and of the police administration.

Check out the interview here...

Watch the video.