- I prefer to abolish all income taxes. Make 'em sales taxes so we can see what we're paying and what we're getting for our money. (Yes, we could exempt necessities like food, drinks, toilet paper, and Shiner...
- If you keep income tax, please be sure to exempt only the federal paycheck part of income. If some General's wife is being paid for speaking engagements, that should be taxable.
Hmm. Seems to smack of favoritism, doesn't it.
How about a different idea? Identify the problem! The problem is the lower ranks can't feed their families. More than 6,000 military families are on food stamps!
How about we do the next pay raise a bit different?
Rather than give all GIs a 4% payraise, first compute the total cost in dollars. Then, instead of giving it as a percentage, give that pay raise per capita!
Okay, so the General only gets a $200/month raise and he feels cheated. he can blow it out his barracks bag (so to speak). That $200/month raise would sure help some poor E3 or E4 feed his kids.
Simple: (total budgeted pay raise) divided by (total number of GIs).
- Addresses problem of underpaid "bottom four" (or six) paygrades - the ones who hurt the most. It's about time! (Gee, it might even help retention of trained troops!)
Simple, effective, and efficient. Aw heck. It could never be adopted!