ACKKK RUST in my barrel.


Your own experience should tell you that, but I guess not everyone believes their own eyes.

Hot water with a little dishsoap in it works as well or better than Windex, and it's cheaper. Almost free, in fact. If you are saving pennies by shooting corrosive milsurp, why blow it on blue liquid when water works great?

Hot soapy water, brush, hot soapy water, dry, clean and oil as usual. It works. Hoppe's and oil do not work.
Wait...... You want to CLEAN an AK?!?!? :confused:


If I use water or any water-based products like MPro7, I will hand-dry as much as possible, then use CLP afterward to displace any water left.
If I use water or any water-based products like MPro7, I will hand-dry as much as possible, then use CLP afterward to displace any water left.

Yep, and the hotter the water you use the more will evaporate. Meaning less you have to swab out afterward.
I use the pot of soapy water method. To remove the water from all the nooks and crannies, I use my compressor and a blow gun. 60 psi doesn't leave much water behind.:D

Cleaning After Shooting Corrosive Ammo

In my M44s (now at their new home), K98/48s, #4mk1, M1903A3s and M1 Garands.
If the SRO will let me I run some water soaked patches thru the bores right after shooting, and then dry the bore and lightly oil. If it's against the ranges rules and I have to wait until I get back home I'll heavily oil the bore. Spray cans of Kroil for this.
Once back home I boil a pot of water and put the muzzle into the water and run the cleaning rod with a tight fitting patch up and down in the bore several times. Dry the bore and inspect for other fouling. Then I'll clean that out with Butch's or Hoppes Benchrest. Oil lightly and inspect the bores over the next few days and repeat if I see(which I never have had to do)any thing amiss.
Also wipe the bolts and the gas system of semi-autos out with hot water, dry and oil as appropriate.
My shooting days are far and few between now, but back when I shot every weekend, I'd always have my K98 and pump some rounds through it, old surplus corrosive ammo, but I'd clean it religiously.

Until I caved in to my retardo roommates complaints about the smell of solvent and then I got lax. Eventually I moved out, and my new roommate offered to stash my guns in his safe when I was moving in. So I did, and forgot about it, until this last winter. I dug my beloved k98 out and discovered the barrel is pitted and dark.

Really wanted to kick myself for that, cause on the outside its a decent rifle, my first long gun I bought and I place its origin to 1936, IIRc. I went through at least 5,000 rounds with it.

Now its a wall hanger. I'll replace it with another shooter sometime in the future.
One Product to try is called Ballistol, its the stuff developed for the German Army, and was used in two world wars. This stuff is the original "CLP"
to clean corrosive residue its mixed one part Ballistol to 9 parts water, and then used full strenth as a bore cleaner /and preservative. They also used
it on the wood stocks. And most surprizingly as a antiseptic for battlefield wounds.

I have tried it as of late and find it really is decent stuff..won't poisen you if you get it on you, and don't stink the place up with noxious fumes. its easy to use....I can see why the German military used it most of the 20th century.

I had also been using U.S. issue corrsive ammo bore cleaner of WW2/Korea vintage , and windex, and boiling water with a small amount of dish soap as a wetting agent to compare.

I managed to almost ruin a really nice No4 MK1's bore about 5 years ago shooting a box of S&B commercial soft point that was clearly marked on the box non corrosive...I put off cleaning it and a couple of days later the bore was full of rust. Cleaned and cleaned and the the bore is dark to this day( was bright and shiney before that ) :(
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Hi All,
For my MN I boil a large tea kettle of water. I use dish soap with water and scrub the bore. I take the rifle out of the stock and rinse the bolt, magazine well and rifle (Inside and out) with the hot water using the sink for the over flow. The hot water helps the parts dry. Before I do any more cleaning, I wash the gunk off the cleaning rod and brush then I rinse thoroughly so I don't risk transfering any salt. I finish up with a black powder solvent and finally Kroil. I have an M1 on which I did a good job on the bore but missed a spot outside the chamber. A constant reminder as to the power of corrosive ammo. As my BIL says,"It's just salt." rinse thoroughly and protect the metal afterwards. BTW, I believe ammonia itself is corrosive, hence I would avoid the window cleaners.:barf:
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My word I tried the soapy water in the sauce pan method. You should have seen the opaque salt water flowing from the barrel. It was like half a cup of mortons in there.:eek:

Glad I got it out!:D

I'm a believer.
We have pretty high humidity in Minnesota at times, too. My dad's old Winchester 38-55 rusted really badly from sitting uncleaned for years (and unfired). I like to lubricate the gun with Shooter's Choice FP10 then lightly oil the barrel with Remington Oil. Anything that's going to be packed away for a longer period of time gets grease or thicker oil. Sometimes it can be like surface rust on brake rotors after a rain.. still not something anybody wants on their gun!
I'd use

A good bore brush, clean it with wads and Inox (like WD40) then swab it dry... then go shoot a sh!tload of good clean burning ammo thru it :D

Then a basic clean and leave lightly oiled with Inox to stop further rusting ;)

Repeat until you get a sore shoulder or run out of ammo :D
Was shooting one of my M1's,columbian 30-06 ammo made in like 1974,got back from the range and had to pack for vacation.One week later came home to a sewer pipe.
My word I tried the soapy water in the sauce pan method. You should have seen the opaque salt water flowing from the barrel. It was like half a cup of mortons in there.

Really. That much salt in there? I would have thought your barrel long gone if there was that much corrosive residue in there.
It's not actually "salt", as in table salt. It's a mixture of metal salts, compounds that separate into ions in water (and unfortunately tend to oxidize iron).

It's usually potassium that's the problem. So you have a barrel full of potassium chloride, which with the tiniest bit of moisture gives you K+ and Cl- ions.