Accuse me of being an old man: not sure about extended mags

I actually do need more than 1 barrel. I need:

short barrel for HD
short barrel for huntin' the woods
medium or long barrel for hunting the fields

And therein lies the rub
MY short barrels are 26"
my medium barrels are 28-30"
my normal barrels are 32-34"
but MY uses and needs are different than Spats
I don't see any advantage to a one piece over an extension. Having the extension offers the versatility of having a +2 up to a +5 or more magazine depending on what the user wants. With a fixed magtube you have what you get.

I own a couple extensions for my 870's. I've tried them and really just prefer to keep the standard mag, 4+1 works for me and makes for a quicker pointing lighter gun. I suppose if I ever really felt the need I could quickly set up 2 of my hunting guns with shorter barrels and 7+1 mag capacity. In addition to the longer field barrels I also have a 21" turkey barrel and a 20" rifle sighted barrel.
You are charged with being an old man. You are sentenced to remaining so for life.
Seriously, I for one don't think it a big deal. Stepping back and looking at the current situation, this is the bone I can toss them.
Simply buying into the "need" argument is to lose rights.
As Americans we do not need to explain our wants.
If you want it that is all that is 'needed'.
Originally Posted by breakingcontact
However I content that a large portion of gun owners have no need for shotguns beyond defense.
I think the veracity of that statement depends on how you define "a large portion." There are still millions of hunters out there and, depending on your jurisdiction, it is possible to use one shotgun for duck, dove, turkey, deer, quail, and who knows what else.

Like stated you have to define "large portion" but you really can't think that more shotguns are bought and used every year for HD than for all the other uses can you? In the real world the number of defense oriented shotguns sold pales by comparison to hunting and range oriented shotguns. Haven't even touched one ammo yet. Ya ever wonder why every store has maybe a couple shelves of buckshot but dedicates large amounts of floor space to hunting and range ammo? Go look at your local "mart" or box sporting goods store and total up both types of ammo and if it's not at least 50 to 1 I'll eat my hat.

Winchester actually went the way of dedicated barrels and longer fixed mag tubes on their 1300 Defenders. Waste of effort as everybody found out.
Winchester shotguns are a good example. I don't think I said the majority of shotguns are strictly for home defense but it is a sizeable percentage.
The one piece extended tube on a tactical gun is superior to an extension, IMO. Extensions can cause occasional loading problems, which is a problem that doesn't exist with a single piece magazine tube.
Winchester shotguns are a good example.

Yes, and as an owner of a Winchester I can say it really sucks finding short, defensive type barrels for a standard gun when all that is available are for the less popular Defenders. For all practical purposes an 870 barrel is an 870 barrel, a 500 barrel is a 500 barrel, 1300 barrels are a mix and match proposition and a huge mistake. How I wish they would all interchange.