Accuracy load for 1858 Rem. New Army ?

Well I shot the 100 yard pistol match today. This is shot one handed holding
the pistol out un-supported . My wife was spotting for me . I fired the first shot
and she said just keep holding like that. After the match and I got my target, I
seen that the first shot was the "x" Anyway I have first place as of today. But
I won't really know If I won the match until Sunday when it's all over.
This scores a 81 X . I think I will win it. Hope so. I'm 72 and don't shoot near
what I used to. I used my little 32 caplock with 15 grains of Swiss No. 1 pistol
powder and Hornady "0" buckshot for the ball. Here is the target. The 10 ring
is 3 inches in dia. Pretty small at 100 yards.

Wow. Excellent accuracy. I couldn't do that from a bench. No matter the work on your revolver, you are indeed a "hard holder."

At first I will say Hello to all users because I'm just now registered.
Sorry for my english I will do my best to write correctly.
So, hello :D - amazing
Erwan - Great score - 97 if I calculate good.

O the begining when I start with BP guns i bought Davide Pedersoli Remington Pattern .44 , very accurate revolver, but for that amount of money I expect good quality. This revolver was far from good quality.
First day on shooting range, first cylinder was OK all in black, next cylinder, I start loading procedure. Suddenly the link between loading lever and plunger was just broke. ( Revolver was on guarantee so seller replace loading lever )
After this only one cylinder I noticed that around cylinder is a marking, scratch from the cylinder break which is jumping to early on cylinder and scratching surface of cylinder. This has nothing to accuracy but looking bad.
I hope You understand my disgust. And a few issues like setup of front sight.

Anyway this revolver is very accurate.
I try many loads of BP with 3Fg and 4Fg Swiss Black Powder.
I followed advice of Hungary, Balash and I was trying his loads of BP.
Lowest load which I trying was 5 grains of 4Fg Swiss BP - all bullets in ten ring size.

Now I have Remington New Model Army Shooters .44 which is closest replica to oryginal Remington Revolver and its also very accurate but requires bigger size of round ball .464. Cylinder chambers are in approx .458 size