Accidental Gun Dischage Through Mattress

So the guy was at home, had an ND and hit his kid:eek: and so now the Momma and the Kid is covering for him so he can still eat dinner with them sometimes.
I would hazard a guess the gun was under the matress and the girl was standing infront of the muzzle while reaching under the matress for the gun when it went off. The ONLY other way I can think of a gun "under a matress" going off in a manner where it strikes the person is if maybe the gun was between the matress and the head or foot board.

Being from Illinois I would bet something is fishy, like the father who's 10 year old son get shot after he sent him to the "store" for some smokes at 2am....most of us here in Illinois learn to read between the headlines for the truth.
Methinks someone was at play with a firearm.

Details were changed.

Stories were rewritten.

Lies became reality.

An accident, it was not.
Honestly I have problems with this story.. "IF" ita a traditional mattress then I simply dont believe the story "as is".. It would be difficult to imagine that if its a pistol that it could be any other way than laying on its side and even if the mattress depressed the lift of the barrel would be minimal and the bullet would most likely not go through the top of the mattress but rather out the side of the mattress.

Also how does the trigger getting pulled? So one must imagine that it must have been a model with a hammer and no firing pin blocking safety and no hammer blocking safety... I suppose it could be the famous Glock Safe Action Trigger but I still dont see how its getting pulled..

I understand she did get shot but something stinks with this story....
Maybe it is my imagination, but I've thought of two possible way this could have happened.
1. The bullet hit a spring, which made it turn and go up.
2. The little girl was jumping on the bed and then bounced down on the side with her legs over it in a sitting position. The bullet went straight to the side just as it happened.

Either way, the police should know what really happened by checking the mattress.
Apparenlty the gun was put in a Serpa holster before placing under the mattress.

Everyone knows Serpa's will always find a finger and force it into the grigger guard.

That's why I don't keep my Serpa's in the Gun Safe with my pistols.