Access to firearms


I was at the local Cabellas the other day and the gun counter was crowded with only two sales clerks showing handguns to potential customers. When the clerk got to me he asks which one I wanted to see so I tell him the Star 9mm I had to point it out as he had no clue. He hands it to me and then walks off. Had I been a criminal or nutcase it would have been easy to pull eight bullets from my pocket and load the mag. I have never seen such sloppy counter work in a real gunshop so it kinda got me to thinking about the post I saw in the last week.

I tried to search for the post but had no luck.

There was a post a few days ago in which posters were talking about gun range suicides and what ranges had done to not have it happen at their range such as rental customers had to bring in a firearm of their own or come in with a buddy. I also have seen that in some states there are groups that put out information to gun shop owners` so that they know what to look for in their customers.

Any way I just could not believe how sloppy the counter person was especially in a store that puts trigger locks on all the rifles.

Has anyone else seen such shoddy salesmanship?

Yes I put the Star on layaway as I need a 9mm to work up loads for those I load for with this crazy powder supply.
No trigger lock because the handguns are in a locked case so the sales person just handed me the Star and then walks off.
If you want to share this bit of information, you might start with management in the store. Telling me won't do a thing to stop it.
I suspect a large retailer like Cabelas focuses more on theft than issues like suicide. There was probably a loss prevention guy watching you on camera, so they assumed there was nothing to worry about. If you pocketed the gun and headed for the door they would have most likely caught you. Maybe a letter to corporate loss prevention outlining your concern might not be a bad idea.
I agree with BarryLee. The store is likely far more concerned about theft than anything else, but a quick letter to corporate might help some here.

My problem lately has been the trigger locks. If I go look at pistols, every one has a trigger lock on it. I can't get a proper feel for the pistol with the trigger lock in place, and the clerks won't remove it.
But then you can't hold up the store or shoot yourself with it, either.

What are we trying to get the store to accomplish?
I don't see an issue here. Yes the clerk shouldn't have walked off. Staying there with you is more than good security but good customer service.

I will not buy if they will not remove the lock. Thankfully the stores here are not as paranoid! The people here haven't given them reason to be either.

I dont even bother looking at the counter at Cabelas. Its usually always a zoo, the people working there have never seemed to bright, gun wise, and they really have noting Im interested in anyway. Ive also seen them pull some shenanigans in the "gun library", so I dint bother there either, except maybe to see just how bad they are trying to gouge people.

I also dont shop anywhere they have a lock on the guns. Not that its a big issue around here anyway, none of the local shops use them. I think maybe Gander Mountain is the only place that Ive seen it here, and they are about as bad as Cabelas anyway.
Here, we have a Gander and while all handguns are behind glass, there are NO trigger locks- but then the clerk doesn't walk away either. How is he supposed to answer questions or upsell you ammo, holster, etc.?
I am surprised that people don't want the freedom to check out their guns with having their hands held or trigger locks. could you have brought in ammo and loaded the gun? sure, or someone could just bring in a loaded gun. or someone could open a knife in the fishing department and stab someone, or you could just use a trigger locked gun and beat someone to death with it, or.....or....or......

as long as the employee has the sense to check the chamber and mag before and after every fondling, then he did what he could. if your intention was to kill someone, I don't think him standing there would have stopped you. maybe if we pass a law that makes everyone have background checks before handling a gun in a store, everyone would be happy......and super safe
All of the LGS around here are careful to stay with a customer. Gander is as well. Sportsmans Warehouse on the other hand LOL!

I was in there today and at least 10 customers had handguns in their hands at one time with 3 counter workers. This store is in the worst part of town with the highest crime rate. I'm on high alert in there and in the parking lot.

I have been told that they have a armed security, that roams the firearms department like a customer, at all times watching. I have tried to pick them out but not always sure. They do allow open and conceal carry in that store but your weapon is checked/unloaded at the door.
Aircool 65

It says MODELO SUPER and it is a 1911 style 9mm single action circa 1947 that was imported by PW arms of Redmond WA
Does anyone have a Dunhams Sports? Those guys are way over protective. First they take your drivers license, put it behind and inside the glass case with the handguns, and then remove the gun and refuse to remove the trigger lock. How's a guy supposed to get a feel of the trigger? And to keep my license while I hold an unloaded, totally child proof gun? Just wow.
I've never seen a gun shop with trigger locks on their guns behind, or under, the counter. Have been in many where a clerk would allow a customer, after checking the chamber, to handle a gun and walk away.
I often shop at the Offutt AFB Exchange. They have trigger locks on all guns behind/in the cabinets. However if you ask to see one they remove the lock, check it for being unloaded and hand it to you. They will not walk off while you have the gun.
But because it is a military base they do have different rules for many things. One that really gets me is if you buy a gun you cannot at the same time buy the ammo for that gun. You can buy any other caliber ammo but not for the gun you bought.
Most of the gunshops here know me.

Yep, they hand me guns all the time and go help others if need be.

Nut job? Me? Nah... Maybe a Gun Nut Job though.

Anyway since they know me, and know I pack heat, they are not worried so much.

But I respect their boundaries and only cross their 'employee only' sign by asking permission when I see a gun I want to examine.

I never just go behind the counter or do anything like that out of respect for their property.

if you buy a gun you cannot at the same time buy the ammo for that gun. You can buy any other caliber ammo but not for the gun you bought.

As I said in another post, this kind of stuff makes my head hurt.

Condolences Rabbitt and in the New Year may all (okay maybe SOME) of this foolishness stop.