Acceptable Gun Laws

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bbqbob51, I agree in theory. The less restriction the better, but I am not against common sense regulation, although my definition of that severely differs from President Obama's.

I am not against taking a class first, if it is educational.

I am not against a mental status check, as long as it does not rely on past records. Current mental status only.

I am not against background checks at all, they take a few minutes, and if put against obvious dangers I don't see who loses.

I am not against waiting periods of less than one week.

I am against gun registration.

I am against some convicted felons being restricted for life.

I am against the current laws that allow the rich to enjoy "extra rights" that most of us cannot afford, such as SBR, suppressors, and fully automatic stamp taxes.

I am not against regulation of devices that have mass area destructive properties, such as missiles, bombs, etc.
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Everything I believe has already been said but one note....the felons that should be restricted from guns for life, are those that our fore fathers didn't expect would be around to have their rights restricted.
How about funding the police,judges and jails so we can actually put criminals away for life instead of running a summer camp for them.

Gun laws are a great way for politicians that need to show they are doing something to get some air time.

Sadly,what they are doing is screwing with the Constution for a sound bite.

Tells you what is really important to them.

I fully support all laws against murder and assault, including those which are specific to firearms.


Only tend to work on Law abiding citizens.... strangely criminals dont often obey laws :eek:

All gun laws are restrictive to the GOOD folks who shoot..... it is unfortunate that the criminal element will ALWAYS be able to get guns of all types :eek:

The tighter the gun laws the more expensive they will be on the black market, so the more stuff criminals will have to steal to afford to buy a gun??:eek:

We have very, VERY (overly?) strict gun laws in OZ, but there is gun crime nearly every day. Unfortunately, we the licenced shooters always cop the kicking :confused: and so it goes on.....

No body knows the answer, the politicians just have to do what they can to win votes :confused:

Since we're talking ideals a little here... I always thought gun laws should pretty much be like your driver's license.

You turn the right age, learn a few laws, and go get your paperwork filled out. Every few years, you get a new picture and pay your $20 to renew it. This repeats UNLESS you do something highly stupid (like get in a drunk driving accident or go on a shooting spree) that gets it taken away.

I think people must know the laws regarding firearms (like what "self defense" and "brandishing a weapon" are), which is the only reason I think it should be licensed at all. Like driving, though, it should not be a hard test to pass or be restrictive at all. So many people have them that it acts as a common form of ID and you're surprised when someone doesn't have one.

If you want to run background checks, do it when someone gets the license and when they renew it, not every time they buy a gun. It's really ridiculous. If I buy a gun a month for 12 months, you don't need to background check me each time. Do I have a license? If so, then I didn't break any laws that would get it taken away.

Like driving, getting caught with a gun without a license means you're really screwed.

Unlike driving/cars, I don't think guns require insurance and registration.

Most states (seem to) assume drivers know what they are doing and will follow the rules until they mess up. I think firearms laws should make the same assumptions.

Most laws that cover firearm usage already exist. It's illegal to kill or injure or strike someone unless they are an immediate threat to you. It's illegal to threaten someone, to damage property, and to overthrow the government. They don't need to add "with a gun" to every law out there.

Ammunition laws? Give me a break. We need that about as much as we need gasoline laws. Maybe, outside chance, maybe, I'd go along with a regulation of quality, but I think the economic market takes care of the really low quality stuff on its own.

Carry laws? As long as you aren't killing, threatening, or damaging anything (i.e., breaking any other laws), there shouldn't be any problem with carrying. Personally, I'd be more likely to allow anyone to concealed carry and license open carry (I live near a major city, though, where open carry pretty much guarantees a cop will be having a little talk with you while you are covered with multiple weapons, perhaps after you are bleeding and laying in the ambulance). Along those lines, I'd require LEOs to have one of those open carry permits. I'm not saying you'd have to be an LEO to get one, just that the same rules apply to everyone. For the most part, I think if you are allowed to own it, you should be allowed to carry it. ANYWHERE. I do think there should be limits on carrying while drunk or stoned (for the same reasons you shouldn't drive in that condition, your judgement and reflexes are impaired).

Machine guns? Just like above, if you can afford one and haven't been any threat to anyone, why not? I'd bet you can do a lot more damage with an SUV if you really tried than you could with a machine gun.

A comparison to speed limits.... OK, no bullets faster than the speed of light. That seems to be covered under the laws of physics already, so no need for the government to repeat it.

For larger hardware, like missiles, bombs, cannons... I think they are in the category as tractor trailers and airplanes that do require a little more control and licensing.... not saying that it's not possible, though.

Should you be required to report one stolen? Yeah, I think so. But I don't think it has to be within the first 20 minutes or else it becomes a felony or something stupid like that.

Should you be required to keep them locked up in an unusable condition with kids in the house? No, I just think there should be a little common sense applied on the part of the owner (see above for "assume people know what they're doing").

Pretty much, I want laws that set the rules in general (no killing, stealing, etc), and leave out the part about how you do those things.
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scorpion_tyr said:
I'm pretty satisfied with the gun laws in Texas... can't think of any that I don't like.

The only thing I don't like regards to the CCW law is the fees. It's been a while since I last looked, but I think it was in the ballpark of $150. I think that's a bit steep. Other than that, I like Texas' gun laws. for the most part...
I could think of lots of common sense gun laws;

No shooting jack rabbits from the 3 o'clock steetcar.
No discharge of firearms in city limits.
No firing up in the air.

I could go on and on, but, ya'all get the drift.
I could think of lots of common sense gun laws;
No shooting jack rabbits from the 3 o'clock steetcar.
No discharge of firearms in city limits.
No firing up in the air.
I could go on and on, but, ya'all get the drift.

I can understand your intent of keeping it simple. But attorneys would have a field day if it were so.

No discharge in city limits? What happens to you when you fire your gun to defend yourself inside of city limits?
hmm... i thing that you should have to go through hell to get any given gun, but once you have it, no further questions asked. longarms permit. handguns permit. sbr-sbs permit. MG permit. all available at age 16 (exept the last one). for instance: you get SBS permit, you can build a sawed-off and do whatever the [redacted] you want to do with it- no freakin' $200 tax. no assault weapons ban. concealed weapons permits avalible. no allotments for paranoid states like CA to make stricter laws.

not to spark a political debate, but i don't agree with either political party's gun views. in this case, as i see it, the difference between the DEM and GOP is the difference between [redacted] with mustard, and [redacted] with ketchup. you don't want to take either, so ya might as well pick your favorite flavor.
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Welcome to the Firing Line, maze.rodent.

In case you missed it, we are a family oreiented board. The language filters are in place for a reason. Skirting them, however inventive the means, is against the rules you agreed to abide by, when you signed up. This one in particular:

2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.
Im not trying to pick a fight but wanted to reply to my comment of "An armed society is a polite society."

(noun) society - an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization

I would argue that Afghanistan has neither a distinctive cultural or economic organization. Right now they have so many different factions all struggling for power over that country it definitely lacks any form of society. No offense to anyone please here or about Afghanistan, I didn't say the couldn't just from my point of view that right now they don't have it. I'll be honest due to a back injury I cannot serve and I have not been to Afghanistan.
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I prefer the simple approach.

Rule#1, (see amendment 2 of the COTUS)

Rule #2, (not applicable due to Rule#1)

Any questions? :cool:
sorry, sorry. will remember in the future, thank you for the reminder. no ofence was intended, but, as i now see, it did come off that way.

once again, i apologize (profusely):o
What, if any, gun laws do you support?

only one:

Code of Ordinances & Gun Law

Sec. 34-1 Heads of households to maintain firearms.

(a) In order to provide for the emergency management of the City, and further in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, every head of household residing in the City limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefore.

(b) Exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who suffer a physical or mental disability, which would prohibit them from using such a firearm.

Further exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who are paupers or who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine, or persons convicted of a felony.

Kennesaw, Georgia
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