Acceptable Gun Laws

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New member
There must hundreds if not thousands of gun laws and regulations throughout our great land. We have Federal firearm laws, state firearm laws, and local firearm laws. It would probably be safe to say that most of us here agree that there are way too many of them. However, are there any gun laws that you feel are absolutely necessary? Or do you feel that gun laws should be reduced to zero?

I feel that most gun laws are unnecessary if not worthless. There are some laws that I do agree with.

I like the minimum sentencing requirements for using guns in a crime. Doing a background check to make sure someone is mentally balanced enough to own a gun is alright by me. I might be able to come up with another laws or two that I support if really concentrated.

What, if any, gun laws do you support?
i wouldnt mind at all if someone was convicted of shooting someone with a gun, you get the same damn treatment, with the same caliber. Not after 15 years in prison, I mean, in the next 10 damn minutes. Now, we would have to make certain exceptions for homeowners who catch bad guys in the house at 4 in the morn, self defense and whatnot. If you knock over a 7-11 and shoot someone with a Glock, Guess what? Lets go out back. That should put a little curb in crime.
As far as restrictions on guns. They all irk me alot. I might be able to live with the NFA, Im Not really sure you should be able to buy a real M-16 at academy or Wally world. ( maybe at a real gun store).
All other restrictions must be off the table otherwise,state and federal.
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

PEOPLE: the body of enfranchised citizens of a state:

1. to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress: to infringe a copyright; to infringe a rule.

2. to encroach or trespass (usually fol. by on or upon): Don't infringe on his privacy.

1. break, disobey. 2. poach. See trespass.

To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate: infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
Obsolete To defeat; invalidate.
v. intr.
To encroach on someone or something; engage in trespassing: an increased workload that infringed on his personal life.
If you commit a crime with a gun, you should have a bullet hole tattooed on your forehead for each instance so we know who you are. You can keep the baggy clothes; they help us adjust for windage.

I do like that they do background checks, but I dont think it should extend beyond a basic criminal history and confirming your legal residency/citizenship.

A military ID should count as a state issued ID in every state in the union. I shouldnt need a copy of orders to buy a handgun anywhere.
I say no tax stamp for SBRs as the short barrel actaully makes them less effective and less dangerous. I think it is unacceptable that the age to buy a handgun is 21, and all guns should be at 18. Guns shouldn't be taxed any higher than the sales tax. And Concealed carry, allowed anywhere.

I wouldn't mind limiting open carry in public places though, some mall ninja actually open carried a glock, at the mall:eek: around here and scared a ton of people.
IMO- all new gun purchases should be shipped directly to me for evaluation and testing to ensure of a quality product and then returned to the owner at my leisure. ROFLMAO!!!!:D

Outside of that, a back ground check should be all that's warranted.
I believe the state has an interest in protecting society. To that end, if someone has been convicted of a violent felony, one which caused or sought to cause bodily harm or death; I think that convicted felon should not only lose his/her freedom but also the right to bear arms. Might be better if they did not lose their right to bear arms, but were executed within 180 days of sentencing.

Minors and incompetent adult persons should not have the right to keep and bear arms.
I recently learned that here in Canada, if a criminal breaks into my home and I blow his head off, that I would be charged with either manslaughter or murder. How screwed up is that? We should have the right to kill intruders like they do in Florida. Sometimes I wish I were American. ;)
re:Dave Shotgun

I am sorry about this, but I have a funny Canadian joke.

Do you realize how badly Canada scewed thinks up?

They could have had: American Technology, British Culture, and French Cuisine.

Instead they ended up with: French Technology. American Culture, and British Cuisine.

Nice Joke Roy!!!

I support back ground checks on purchases, and believe that felons, and people that have shown themselves to be a danger to themselves and/ or others, should not be allowed to purchase firearms. No sales, ownership or posession ( unless accopmanied by an adult ) for anyone under 18.

NFA items should be allowed, with the same or even more stringent rules than above.

A criminal act using a firearm should have severe penalties that are actually given out by judges, rather than plea deals that get them back on the streets in a short period of time.
A law that keeps guns out of the hands of a felon, someone emotionally or mentally unfit to have one, or someone who demonstrates a propensity to do violence is a good law.

We can have freedom, we don't need license.
I do like that they do background checks, but I dont think it should extend beyond a basic criminal history and confirming your legal residency/citizenship.

I agree with your point the only thing I would point out is that there are many people who are psychologically very messed up that have never committed a crime.
A law that keeps guns out of the hands of a felon, someone emotionally or mentally unfit to have one, or someone who demonstrates a propensity to do violence is a good law.

I don't believe there is or will be a law that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals. I think allowing any law abiding citizen to easily have the right to carry just about anywhere he wants will fix this.

I'm all for the mentally unfit or who demonstrates propensity to do violence not have firearms as long as it's deemed through the judicial system, not the legislative or executive branch. As for the mentally unfit, this can get sticky: I'm predicting that we're going to have an influx of soldiers (you too, marines:D) coming home with PTSD. I can see scenarios where they seek help and a doctor sees it as a brain injury. I do agree with this. It's psychological trauma. Some may end up being declared to be unfit to possess a firearm. Do I agree with this? Well, I'm not qualified make that call but everybody's case should be handled on an individual basis. What I don't want to happen is the person to be branded permanently. I firmly believe that PTSD is a treatable condition for some. Whether it's medication or group thereapy, I believe a person may have the ability to recover to normalcy enough to be fit to excercise their 2A rights. I want the avenues to clear their records to be quicker and easier without all the red tape if this is the case.

Like others have stated: Mandatory sentences for crimes committed with a gun. I think one of the few exceptions would be similar to what armedtotheteeth stated. It would be a difficult decision on where to draw the line, but I'd leave that to ones that are more knowledgeable in writing laws.
I have some issues with the state of Maine, my only experience so far.

I took a concealed carry class advertised as 4 hours and lasted pehaps 2. It was a Utah class, and three quarters of it was centered around guiding the class through filling out the paperwork. The instructor handed out a pamphlet that was clearly his instructions for the class, even including comments such as "Demonstrate" (to the class, one assumes).

Nearly everyone already had carry permits and were probably happy to get through the required class quickly, but I didn't learn anything and will soon be allowed to carry a loaded firearm on a daily basis.

I will be taking a 10 hour class which includes live fire later this month, voluntarily. I went into that first class to protect myself against criminals, and came out wanting to protect myself from criminals and half of those CC students.

Jokes of "death is an unfortunate side effect of stopping the perk" were disconcerting.

If you're going to require a class to give special rights to applicable citizens, then make sure the class means something. Otherwise keep your laws in kind to your open carry laws, which in Maine are unrestricted (and obviously causes more social fear).
Vermont style gun laws nationwide
All NFA laws repealed
68 gun control bill repealed
once this all happens we will be a free nation again.
An armed society is a polite society.

When criminals know people aren't allowed to carry concealed weapons they know they are in less danger and more prone to commit crime. Sure there will be mall ninjas but the stupidity of a few should not punish the many... I know while saying that if some one did something stupid and foolish trying to be a hero and I lost a loved one because of it I would hurt, but again it was because they were STUPID and FOOLISH. but at the same time I know someone else has been saved because of this.

Of course I could be considered bias, my dad killed 2 rabid dogs that chased me when i was playing as in my sand box i don't remember much except my mom screaming and how exceptionally loud shotguns are. and late last year when several people broke into the upstairs of our house which is unfinished. (we live far out of town 30 min @ 60mph)
my dad gave his .38 to my mom to protect her and my little sister and i had my 9mm and he had his shotgun. and hearing them bang around up there and having my gun to protect me and my family while the cops came made me feel alot better. he watched our glass patio and i watched our front door. he told "if they break in make sure they can't walk out." they didn't and were long gone before the cops got there... i couldn't imagine how those 10 long mins would have been if we had nothing.
Venom1956, perfect example of proper gun defense. No shots fired, authorities called, but you were protected and had the perps breached your safety zone you would have been not only within your rights, but having called 911 and waited for the perps to come to you, you eliminate fear of retribution from a poor justice system.

As for your opening quote, I tried laying that upon my father this morning and his interpretation was that of the anti-gun side. It sounds like a threat and it's ufortunate that it is viewed that way. I agree with the sentiment and I hope that I can make my father understand where I'm coming from one day.
Jofaba, I took a 10 hour CC/handgun safety class through Kennebec Guns in Augusta and it was excellent. They were real quick to squelch the "Rambos or Rambettes" in the class. Owning a firearm is a responsibility and not everyone is responsible enough to own them.
That being said, the only laws/restrictions I am for is the background checks and some restrictions on people under 18, they can still own but need instruction and supervision. You just have to be law abiding and reasonably sane.
I also think banning any particular firearm or ammunitions is ludicrous and we should all fight against that. Enforce the laws already on the books and execute violent criminals, no matter what weapon they used in a murder.
Wellour state doesn't execute anyone, because of a wrongful execution in the 1800s. That needs to be overturned. Violent criminals should get what they earned.
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