Abusing the Castle Doctrine...Texas man shoots a teen in his yard...

Comparing this case to the Horn case is ridiculous.Compare FACTS in cases. No similarities at all ,as Alleykat stated. The right to protect yours and neighbors self and property has been established. Well over-due(might I add). Will there be advantage taken of CD law? Yep. Name me one law that isn`t. There will also be plenty of civil suits filed in justifiable CD killings. Are civil suits new? No. For all the CCL holders out there that strap on a gun everyday and blast off to your destinations knowing full well if (God forbid) you have to use that gun, more than likely it may cost you everything you own defending your rights. If we`re 100% right in having to shoot someone the lawsuits will follow. We do it to protect our families,selves , neighbors and property. Some people have trouble with the property part. I don`t. I now live in country(didn`t always)Response time from LEO is approx. 33 min. given the fact that Sher. dept. is having slow night. For the people here that have the notion that me arming myself and walking my property day or night in case of disturbance(again on my own property) is in someway escalating anything(I get that impression from some of the posts on this and other threads) if I happen across somebody willing to attack or physically threaten me, that I should have stayed in my house, called 911 and let outside alone is the damndest thing I`ve ever heard. Would I shoot anyone for tresspassing? No. Would I have the right to shoot someone if I walk up to them(again on my property) start to question them and they attack me. Yes. Will a civil suit follow? Probably. IMO,I think this case(for what I know about it) is very questionable as pertaining to CD in any state. I don`t know much about incident, but again alot of differences in this case and Horn case. The terms vigilantism has been used in other threads pertaining to CD and Horn case:confused:. Finally a few teeth in the law for the law abiding citizen and someone("maybe"pro 2nd Amend. ) wants to pee on it . One of the last things a normal human wants to do is take another humans life. Even if your right the consequences will haunt you. All that said, I`m glad for the CD in this state and I know what it means. P.S. I`m not an attorney but I do understand what Jpeel posted about CD law in Texas.
I must apologize. I am one of the people who took this thread off topic as I thought it was about the Horn case. Got in late in the discussion and the Horn case was already breached.

Sorry again.