Absurdity warning! Contents of this thread may be tired or worn out!

oh i'm sorry aviz, is this taking precious seconds away from everyone elses ninja fantasies of stopping hordes of terrorists on planes, trains and automobiles?
The bad thing is that I probably couldn't get time off from work to stop the hordes. Hmmm maybe I can have my boss micro manage them...that has done wonders for my moral.
achmed: mrs sparks, can billy come out and play 'stop the jihad' with us?

mrs sparks: no achmed, billy has to finish completing the cover pages for his TPS reports. maybe tomorrow he can play with you.
Wolveri.... ah, forget about it

And how old are we???? Yeah, it's an entertaining daydream.....
But I've outgrown my Red Dawn/Invasion U.S.A. phase now.

Bomb shelters, how 'bout some good old-fashioned bomb shelters?
Well stocked with enough cold beer to ride out any disaster.
Screw the world, it's Miller time! :cool:

If my supply runs out, then I'll tag a few commies on the way to the beer store. In the mean time, the Apocalypse Beer Pong Championships start at 2330 followed up by the Case Race Steeplechase tommorrow at 1700.

Who else is up for a kegger in this scenario? I'm sure Spiff is fairly thirsty after singlehandedly stopping the commie hordes. Btw, please check all firearms at the door. Liability issues and such.

That's my smart a$$ response for tonight, have fun!
TPS reports
Unless you live in a fabric covered box aka cube and seen the movive Office Space people do not know why I am chuckling. I tell you what Kilroy I'll cook steaks my wife can cook cakes and cobblers if ya'll share the beer, spiffy should have a good appeitite and quite thirsty after vanquishing the hordes.

Spiffy how you want your NY strip?
First, I suggest you drive your vehicle full speed into their lines, then hop out, firing your long gun until empty. You then pull the glock, and fire it until it melts, or kabooms, or you run out of ammo. Then you pull out your tactical folder, and start cutting people, then when the blade breaks off in some poor commie's skull, you grab him by the feet, and use him as a club. I think this scenario is very well thought out, and quite realistic. :)
My victory pose would look something like this...
Ha ha!!!!!!!!!

Dasmi, where the heck can I get one of those shirts?? Sounds like my first week home on Christmas leave! The ale yes, but she was a very nice friend who I hadn't seen in a while.

Mr. Sparks, what's your flavor??? Since this is a hypothetical scenario....
My fridge stocks everything from Piel's and PBR :barf: to Guiness and Beck's.
Might even be some Stroh's in there too... I'm a Foster's man, myself.

Now that I've sobered up.... Time to load my Browning High Power and 1903 A3. For the long shots. Yes, like Col. Cooper, I too believe in a full power combat cartridge! :D
Zombies, Red Chinese, North Koreans, or Terrorists. Too many targets to choose from.