Absurdity warning! Contents of this thread may be tired or worn out!


New member
so you're driving to work one day and you turn the corner to find yourself 25 yards away from a goose-stepping foreign army wearing funny looking helmets. you have your everyday carry glock 20 with 6 standard cap mags of powrball, and your trusty vepr with 10 fully loaded 75 rd drum mags.
what pose are you going to take as your picture is taken over the bodies of the 50,000 enemy soldiers you singlehandedly took out?

:eek: :rolleyes:
There will be no pictures of me standing on top of a mound of cold, dead bodies, because I carry a .45 ACP semi-automatic pistol (death to tupperwear toys), a weapon firing a bullet second only to the dreaded .50 BMG.

That being the case, the 50,000 goose-stepping, funny looking helmet wearing foreign army will surrender and I will become the modern-day Sgt. Alvin York without having to fire a single shot.

Please be sure that the photographer knows enough to use a bounce flash, as a direct flash will cause reflection from my tin-foil hat to create a false image of a halo, thus hiding the real one that shines behind me as I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. :D
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Mine would be something like this

Owwwwie! :eek:

In regards to your scenario...
Look at the gearshift -- see that little "R" on there?

I dunno how fast a Dodge 4x4 will go in reverse, in 4WD with the throttle wide open, but I'd know about 30 seconds after rounding that corner!
That's ridiculous... :barf: :rolleyes:

Assuming you have one up the pipe in both guns you could only kill 842 of them unless you're killing more than one per shot.
Unless he lined them up just right and used ball ammo. Lots of penetration, you know. :cool: After all when overwhelmed, innovate. :D
Definitely the Captain Morgan stance! You know, one knee up high and arms crossed? Then again, too much Captain Morgan, and I'll be prone with the rest of the stiffs :D :D
Ok, assuming he has 842 rounds on him, how many can he kill if they line up just right?

I'm thinking no more than 10 per shot to put a very liberal limit on it... so that still only gives him 8,420 down.

He's going to have to kill the other 41,580 with his tactical folding knife. Unfortunately it's going to get dull after a few thousand kills. Obviously he'll need to carry a sharpening stone.

You don't know the Spiff Man, He's, well, tactical and stuff. He's into the Carbon Fiber so he has the laptop to take out at least 1,000 of them and then he is a ninjatudeness type of guy that can take out around 35,000 without them seeing him, He is +10000 on ninjatude you know.

And to top it all off, he's got this EVIL, EVIL dude that suplies him with arms by the name of "DangerboyWildAlaskaDon'tMessWithMe" dude that brings in all types of bad arms to the peaceful, and cuddly bear friendly area, of Alaska (were they peaceniks hug the Polar Bears when they get a chance... funny thing is... there isn't that many peaceniks left anymore :confused: ).

So you have to realize that yes, with the help of the crazy man, Spacemanspiff can indeed do what he has said. I've learned that you don't mess with a man from Alaska with Ninjatude!


I'm thinking no more than 10 per shot to put a very liberal limit on it... so that still only gives him 8,420 down.
Won't some of the UN Peacekeepers have guns that they will no longer be using?
he's got this EVIL, EVIL dude that suplies him with arms by the name of...
Crikey! Spiff AND WildtheycallmeKenAlaska against 50,000 troops...

Won't anybody help those poor troops? The HUMANITY! :eek:

They'll probably make the survivors shoot WA's .338 :(
You got 25 yards from a foreign army and didn't know they were there? I guess this means you missed the morning news doesn't it?
Getting back to the origional question. I think VEPR in the right hand, held high. Glock 20 in the left hand casually hanging and right foot up in the air on the pileus courpus.

Perhaps with the chin up and head held high. Slight smirk, corner of the mouth type. :cool:
IF I happened to come into posession of any plastic, it'll be C4 not Austrian Tupperware. :D Not much of a photo op after using that. :barf: I don't do pix anywho. They always get my bad side with the scars.
If you happen to come upon a scene like that....step out of the car unarmed, put you head between you legs and kiss you butt goodbye.............