Absolute Vodka seems to think Mexico should reclaim the SW

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Not a good way to boost American sales...


Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!

The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish vodka maker Absolut promises to push all the right buttons south of the U.S. border, but it could ruffle a few feathers in El Norte.

The billboard and press campaign, created by advertising agency Teran\TBWA and now running in Mexico, is a colorful map depicting what the Americas might look like in an "Absolut" -- i.e., perfect -- world.

The U.S.-Mexico border lies where it was before the Mexican-American war of 1848 when California, as we now know it, was Mexican territory and known as Alta California.

Following the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo saw the Mexican territories of Alta California and Santa Fé de Nuevo México ceded to the United States to become modern-day California, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Arizona. (Texas actually split from Mexico several years earlier to form a breakaway republic, and was voluntarily annexed by the United States in 1846.)

The campaign taps into the national pride of Mexicans, according to Favio Ucedo, creative director of leading Latino advertising agency Grupo Gallegos in the U.S.

Ucedo, who is from Argentina, said: “Mexicans talk about how the Americans stole their land, so this is their way of reclaiming it. It’s very relevant and the Mexicans will love the idea.”

But he said that were the campaign to run in the United States, it might fall flat.

“Many people aren’t going to understand it here. Americans in the East and the North or in the center of the county -- I don’t know if they know much about the history.

“Probably Americans in Texas and California understand perfectly and I don’t know how they’d take it.”

Meanwhile, the campaign has been circulating on the blogs and generating strong responses from people north of the border.

“I find this ad deeply offensive, and needlessly divisive. I will now make a point of drinking other brands. And 'vodka and tonic' is my drink,” said one visitor, called New Yorker, on MexicoReporter.com.

Reader Paul Green goes into a discussion on the blog Gateway Pundit of whether the U.S. territories ever belonged to Mexico in the first place, and the News12 Long island site invited people to boycott Absolut, with one user, called LivingSmall, writing: “If you drink Absolut vodka, you can voice your approval or disapproval of this advertising campaign with your purchases. I know I will be switching to Grey Goose or Stoli and will never have another bottle of Absolut in my house.

“Hey Absolut ... that's my form of social commentary.”

-- Deborah Bonello and Reed Johnson in Mexico City
With things like this, I use a "shoe on the other foot" test to see if my thinking is right.

I imagine the same ad, only with U.S.A. stamped across the continents. Then I think about what the Canadians, Mexicans, Central and South Americans would do/say. There would be riots over the "American Imperialists."

This ad campaign is doing exactly what it intended. Getting publicity for Absolut Vodka. Like PT Barnum once said, ALL publicity is good publicity.
“If you drink Absolut vodka, you can voice your approval or disapproval of this advertising campaign with your purchases. I know I will be switching to Grey Goose or Stoli and will never have another bottle of Absolut in my house.

I'm not a vodka fan but from here on out no one is allowed to bring a bottle of Aboslut anything into my home. I think tonight I'll have a Belvedere bloody mary.
This ad campaign is doing exactly what it intended. Getting publicity for Absolut Vodka. Like PT Barnum once said, ALL publicity is good publicity.

But Barnum's business depended on curiosity to line his pockets. For him any publicity was good. That does not apply to all businesses.

Here is a perfect example, Taco Bell. Anybody remember the e coli scare last year. Taco Bell got plenty of publicity out of it. That publicity though significantly killed their business for some time. I still know people (anal ones) who refuse to eat tacos from them because of it a year later.

Absolut depends on people actually buying their product. There is no curiosity factor. People are not paying Absolut to peek at their bottles. This is not good for them in the USA.
Musketeer is correct.

A Urologist recently removed the wrong kidney from a patient. This made CNN. It was not good publicity.
So via the wonders of modern advertising tech we have discovered that majahos and native born Mexicans ( the nation not the race ) tend to like or at least spend money on cheap vodka . Note tho that Absolut brand just sold and this could be an ad ok that is transitional if it in fact is even a real add . I remember one faked add that was " Absolute bestiality " as an example .
FireMax said:
like this just makes me dig my heels in deeper on the immigration issue.

I'm amazed that a stupid vodka ad made by a bunch of Swedes can change or further your opinion about illegal immigration.

You know those CareerBuilder.com commercials, where at the end, their logo falls out of the sky like a bomb and destroys an office building full of innocent civilians? After viewing that ad, will you want to strengthen the War on Terror?

Or what about that California tourism ad with the Governator, featuring a bunch of Californians relaxing and having fun? Did that ad prove to you that Californians are lazy and out of touch?

FireMax said:
No amnesty for illegals.

And this ad proves your argument. Sure.
I imagine the same ad, only with U.S.A. stamped across the continents. Then I think about what the Canadians, Mexicans, Central and South Americans would do/say. There would be riots over the "American Imperialists."
It is only acceptable because Mexico is such a sad-sack country that they are absolutely no threat.

I will have to say that I would actually be ok with giving a lot of the states shown on this map to them anyway though. ;)
That map is just what they imagine down there when they're bombed on vodka (or whatever). Drink Absolut and you'll imagine you're built like Jay Cutler and that girls think you're interesting, too.

The reality, of course, is that girls can't make out their slurred speech, they're built like Keebler elves, and if that map were the truth, they've have to walk farther to sneak across the border.
No amnesty for illegals.
And this ad proves your argument. Sure.

You sure seem to lack people skills.... but since you brought it up, I'll take a few minutes out of my time to educate you about the position of conservative Americans. I do this freely because I understand from previous posts that you seem to be a McCain supporter. Of course, we should all know that McCain supports amnesty for illegal aliens who have broken the law in our country while legal aliens stand in line for years awaiting citizenship.

So, you think it is a good idea that we push all of these law breakers to the front of the line? What kind of message does this send? Answer... it's simple -- the wrong one.

Not to mention that all of this illegal immigration does not come without a price for you and I, the tax payers. In some states, illegal immigrants are a sizeable portion of the prison population. I read where the figure is 30%+ in New York. Consider that it costs over $40,000 per inmate to incarcerate someone and multiply that times the amount of illegal aliens in prison and... well, you should be smart enough to get the picture... if you want to anyway.

Polls show that amnesty is not supported by a majority of Americans. I happen to agree with the majority on this issue. No amnesty for law breakers. And while we're at it.... we should free our two border agents who were put in prison for shooting a Mexican drug smuggler in the buttocks.

I know, I know... I'm such a Conservative activist...

Towing the line for a liberal politician can get quite difficult. For supporters of liberals such as Hillary & Obama... I expect pro-amnesty arguments. When I hear a McCain supporter suggest amnesty is okay, I must say...have you considered voting for a conservative instead of voting for McCain? It's possible that we will have at least one real conservative enter the race very soon. It would make it a lot easier than trying to explain away many of McCain's liberal positions.

I'm just saying...
I don't care if you're being offensive - I'm guilty of the same around here - but at least argue honestly. I may disagree with a number of applesanity's opinions but the things you're saying about him are flat out wrong.

And you're going into a tirade about something that wasn't even part of the discussion with half the facts and more emotion than reason.
Its just an ad for Vodka. People get their panties in a wad about some of the dumbest things IMHO.

Who pays attention to ads anyway, except to:rolleyes:

Wildokwhenthelastofmy6bottlesofabsolutaregoneillgetsomefinlandiaAlaska ™
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