? about Connecticut and Carrying a Handgun

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"So, I don't know of any cop that feels like they have to make an arrest just because they were called somewhere."

Obviously your not aware of the Goldberg case(might want to get some info on it being a State Trooper). While you may not want to take yourself off the road for an arrest that's "not needed" the fact remains that there are many LEO's in this great state of ours that will and are arresting law abiding citizens for doing something totally legal. I've actually talked to some local LEO's who have told be straight up that they would arrest someone for OC'ing as it's "against the law". Hence, all the law suits currently going through the courts now. While I agree the Police should respond to all MWAG calls, they probably should no the law before making an arrest for OC. That's all i'm saying. Nothing against you personally. And yes, I realized my spelling arror after hitting da buttin to resistor. ;)
I am well aware of Mr. Goldberg and his case. His issue is with the permit review board. I agree with him in that case, if the only way to get your permit reinstated is the board. Then maybe the board should meet much more often. I also agree with making the law spelled out one way or the other once and for all. Using breach of the peace as a catch all does work, however, the statutes need to be changed to either clearly make OC legal, or clearly ( I mean 100%, no gray area) illegal. One or the other. Depending on your GA, breach has been used many times and will continue to be used as the charge for OC'ing that results in causing annoyance or alarm. My GA will pursue that charge, some may not.
On a side note, I went on probably 15 calls today, never made an arrest. Making an arrest is not something that cops take lightly. If I dont know the law thats in question, I look it up, if I am still not sure I can either call a state's attorney or submit an arrest warrant to the court. That puts it on the court and the warrant has to be signed by a superior court judge. If I have doubts, I keep digging and figure it out. Every cop I have ever worked with operates the same way. Do mistakes get made? Yes. Are there bad arrests made? Yes. Is it common? No. Do I know any cop that just makes arrests willy nilly and on a whim? No.
1776 Patriat: It appears that with your first post at TFL, you went digging to find a 5 month old thread, specifically to bash Connecticut cops, and not to offer additional information.

Just so you know, we don't paint with the broad-brush here.
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