About CC permits in general, a rant

Personally I'd like to see the permits go away and not be a requirement to carry. I'd also like to see the "general population" shut their pie hole about what I carry on my person.
According to most of the statistical data that I have seen concerning firearms related issues with LEO and CCW permit holders, CCW permit holders typically have cleaner records with firearms, percentage wise, than the LEO community.

I am not trying to bash the LEO community, but the fact that CCW permit holders are statistically more law abiding should be presented during discussion with those that don't feel comfortable with us "Average Joes" carrying.
chris in va said:
I can certainly vouch for one.

That's right, you know of one. And this is the same type of tactic that gun grabbers use to tar us all.

If they can show of one horrific instance where the the use of personal defense alienates the public, they will do so and imply that it is a huge trend.

Case in point, there are no brain-dead biker wards. If so, let the leftists show me pictures.

It's the same argument the OP struggles with. The grabbers and the media claim that *we* are not professionally trained. Then they site one, and only one example, for their side of the debate. And when it comes to the responsible use of firearms, we can site thousands of examples.

Do you remember the stories in the NRA magazines? Every issue had about a dozen stories where people were saved by responsible use.

I never let some sniveling shyster use the phrase "everyone knows." If everyone knows, then show the pictures, share the names, and document that supposed national trend. If you cannot, you're a liar.
We don't have CCW in my state. Anyone who packs is a criminal. Must be something like 18 million criminals walking around now.