ABC News: Joe Biden likely Obama VP

I'm kind of mystified on this choice as well. Biden is not remotely palatable in the South and Midwest, so there is not even a faux-balancing of the ticket ala Kerry-Edwards or Gore-Lieberman. On guns, Biden is as bad as Obama with a similar voting record.

And to top it all off, Biden has endorsed McCain in the past, has vocally criticized his running mate and has appeared with McCain on hundreds of morning talk shows from 2002-2006 discussing Iraq policy and was initially supportive of McCain's policy (though that faded towards 2006 as it became apparent Biden would make a run for the nomination)

I can't imagine what the Obama camp was thinking. On the one hand, I guess Biden gives Obama some credibility on Iraq since he was basically supporting the same policy as McCain; but what are you going to do when the Republicans start running the news clips of your VP candidate talking about what a great guy your opponent is and how you like his Iraq policy?
Why didn't he just choose the guy that smells like urine and screams obscenities at people from the overpass above Saturday Market in downtown Portland? It would be pretty much the same thing.

That's because the guy in Portland turned Obama down.
Biden was his second choice. :D :p
Hussein made a big mistake not naming Hillary as running mate.
I don't think someone who is able to make such a huge error in judgment is
fit for president.

Hillary supporters are upset, and their support for Hussein is only half

I predict that McCain's tactic of trying to drive a wedge between Hussein
supporters and Hillary supporters will pay big dividends.
Ain't gonna matter.

Bush cost the Republicans the election with Iraq, the economy, and gas prices.

Even Reagan couldn't win this election...
Gee, Dave, I hope you're wrong. I know I'm a whole lot better off in the 8 years since Bush took office but with all the spin in the news I don't know how many other people are in my position. I suspect a lot of folks are doing a lot better than the news says, but you'll never see it until election day. I see the reason for the war; just hope that sufficient numbers of others see the advantage of not having Iraq controlled by genocidal maniacs. I see your point about gas prices too but I hope the public can connect them with the plain truth about all the Democrats have done to bolster our dependence on foreign oil.

Back on topic, about Joe Biden, I found this really great link which lists his historical voting positions. Joe waffles back and forth on a number of issues but guess what people, he's a staunch anti 2A sort of guy. :(
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