ABC News: Joe Biden likely Obama VP


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ABC News just reported that Joe Biden (D-Del)is Obama's likely running mate. Bayh and Kaine have been notified that they are "not it". Secret Service has dispatched a detail to Biden's home to begin his protection detail.

The United States Secret Service has dispatched a protective detail to assume the immediate protection of Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., a source tells ABC News, indicating in all likelihood that Biden has been officially notified that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, has selected him to be his running mate.

Sources also tell ABC News that two others said to be finalists for the position of Obama's running mate -- Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., and Virginia Gov Tim Kaine -- have been told they have not been selected to be Obama's running mate.

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Personally, that'll do it for me.
With Obamination and Biden on the ticket, there is no way in Hades that I'll vote for this pair.
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (born November 20, 1942) is the senior United States Senator from Delaware. He is a member of the Democratic Party, and is currently serving his sixth term. Biden has served for the sixth-longest period among current Senators (fourth among Democrats) and is Delaware's longest-serving Senator. He is the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in the 110th Congress. Biden has served in that position in the past, and he has served as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. He was a candidate for the Democratic Party's nomination in the 2008 presidential election, but dropped out after the caucuses in Iowa on January 3, 2008.

Hmmm, Biden hates guns almost as much as Obama.

Remember the debate in which someone sent in a video question with an AR and Biden answered? He said if that was his "baby" then he's "got problems". And he questioned whether the guy was "qualified" to own such a gun.
Biden also had to drop out of the 1988 Presidential campaign because he got caught plagiarizing a speech.

He's also the guy who said bHo was a new kind of black candidate because bHo was "articulate" and "clean."

Yeah, Biden said bHo was special because he was an "articulate" and "clean" black man.

Can you imagine if a Republican had said that about bHo?

Biden is also about as arrogant as they come.

This is great news, in my opinion.

Biden is yet another step in bHo sealing his own doom.

Yeah, Biden is kind of an odd choice, given that he pisses off both the right and the left, and most moderates too.

Especially since I was always under the impression that the #1 qualification of a VP was "don't hurt the candidate." This guy will tick off a lot of voters.
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CNN says it's Biden

bHo keeps sealing his own doom.

CNN is reporting Biden is the pick.

Ha....ha ha.....mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaa

bHo really doesn't have a freakin' clue at all, does he?

As of this hour it is supposedly fact. Biden is da' man. How ironic is the following text from Wiki?
"This foreshadowed Biden's January 31 remark on fellow Democratic candidate and Senator Barack Obama: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."[35] Several linguists and political analysts have dismissed the statement as racist, citing the journalistic omission of a comma that should have followed the word "African-American" as a textual quotation"

Is Biden racist? Did Obama sleep with the enemy? Was Biden trying to be "too cool" but fizzled out? Very twisty here.... More white noise. Why the big mystery up to now? Me thinks we're trying to get attention like a spoiled child.

"Biden is as arrogant as they come"... I disagree... Obama tops the list. Together they are pompous defined!

I hunger for leadership that lets me defend what is mine, taxes those who have rather than those who have not, and can deal a war effectively but doesn't look for one without just cause. I guess I'm out of luck. So much for dreaming.

Vote for someone... Don't vote for Obama.. That's my motto (for I love shooting and believe I have the right to). The only thing missing from the ballot is "None of the above". A majority vote here should trigger a booting of all current candidates and a new election would start. Of course, noboby that's in politics would ever qualify! Since they control policy the policy wouldn't change. If we could, the majority may very well boot EVERY candidate into infinity and beyond!

Not to pick on one alone... I once thought I like John M. but then he shouted "I will give the big business man more tax breaks!" and my defense for him crumbled. There are times in history that I might agree with him but as a suffering middle classer I must say his timing is very poor. Spare a dime brother? Need gas and food...............
Yeah, Biden has a terminal case of foot-in-mouth disease, which is part of why I am pretty surprised to see him get second billing.

Policies aside for a moment (Bidens can get a bit...objectionable), the guy might be a bit of a wildcard politically. I remember him being the only one (or maybe just the first) back during the Democratic debates to call Rudy on his "noun+verb+9/11" tactic. Seeing that, and a few others he came out with during the debates, makes me think that he's the kind of guy who (politically) go either way. He might accidentally say something phenomenally stupid and sink Obama, or he may manage to drop a couple perfect below-the-belt shots on McCain/Whoever.

Still a horrible choice, unless you're a gambling man.
What VP might he have chosen that would have secured your vote?

That's a good question, isn't it?
Before his alleged VP choice made headlines, I found it impossible to even consider Obama. Obama really has done the impossible... he almost makes Hillary look good in comparison. :eek:

Suffice it to say that unless he ended up with a Teddy Roosevelt type VP selection, I'm never going to see his name on the ballot.
Woke up a short while ago and saw Biden is the pick over on Drudge.

My reaction: He managed to pick somebody who is simultaneously boring and with almost as liberal a voting record in the Senate as himself.

It's Saturday morning here in Kuwait, which means this must've broken sometime Friday evening.

This is just me, but isn't it kind of...dumb to release information like this just before a summer weekend when most people aren't going to be watching the news or caring about stuff like this?

Wouldn't you rather do this on a Wednesday?
OMG, I can't believe the idiocy of this pick. I said, and it's in the a forum to be validated, back in February, "this election is McCain's to loose." I look prophetic now. I'm willing to double down if you want to take me on.
This is just me, but isn't it kind of...dumb to release information like this just before a summer weekend when most people aren't going to be watching the news or caring about stuff like this?
If I was choosing Biden, I might not want people to pay attention. :(

Why didn't he just choose the guy that smells like urine and screams obscenities at people from the overpass above Saturday Market in downtown Portland? It would be pretty much the same thing.
Biden! The gift that keeps on giving. Those who watch national politics for a number of decades know well the entertainment yet to befall us. This is just too good to be true. :)

Looks like O'Bama hired someone who could obscure his weakness. O'Bama speaks well only with the aid of a teleprompter. Biden won't shut up. Looks like a good hire to me. :D
Why didn't he just choose the guy that smells like urine and screams obscenities at people from the overpass above Saturday Market in downtown Portland? It would be pretty much the same thing.

Because that guy had a previous engagement?