A WWII pistol; what is it?


I have just been given a relatives pistol he carried during WWII in Europe and wonder if anyone is familiar with it. The pistol is a small black semi-auto pistol that is marked as follows:
DUO on the pistol grips, Automat Pistole DUO cal. 635, F. Dusek, Opotschno on the slide; serial no. on the other, 110XXX. The pistol came to me with a small leather holster with cover flap and an extra mag. Comparing the bullet size that were in the mag, it appears to be 25 cal. pistol.
I would appreciate any comments about it and perhaps value, although I will never part from it.
I google image searched 25 acp duo and found what looks to match your description. I then googled cz duo and found more information on this pistol.
AFAIK all the Ruby's were 7.65(.32 ACP). The one on top left is a Spanish Ruby from WWI.

The DUO was made in Czechoslovakia by a designer named Frantisek Dusek beginning in 1936, and stayed in production up until 1948, when CZ renamed it as their "Z" model; because it was sold widely into the commercial market, they're a common "bring-back" pistol from WW2.
The Duo is a good quality pistol and while not a military issue pistol may have been carried as a personal sidearm. As SDC posted these were popular bring backs, remember "to the victor belongs the spoils", if it wasn't nailed down tight it went into some GI's pocket and yes 6.35 is .25 ACP. Dusek did made pistols for sale in wartime Germany and was even had a contract code "aek" but as far as I know the German army did not issue .25 caliber pistols. Did I hear someone say Spanish Ruby, not hardly.
The DUO was a small pistol made in Brno in what was then Czechoslovakia.
Smallest of a line of pistols of 4, it weighed 370 grams, barrel length 53 mm
total length 114 mm and a height of 77 mm.
Listed as late as 1969 in the Frankonia (german) catalogue, it sold for 88 Deutsch marks. For comparison,same catalogue FN Baby 138 DM.

Hope it helped.

BTW, I like the attitude: Value is not important, I like it and will not part with it. It a sign of taste.:)

I scanned the page of the catalogue but it turned out 11 Mb big so I did not attach it.
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DUO semi-auto 25 cal. pistol

I never cease to be amazed at the cooperation, suggestions and down right good weapons knowledge that you guy's have and are willing to share on the Firing Line Forum. All of you have helped me understand the little 25 cal. DUO pistol a lot better and I thank you so very much for your response.
I was too young to serve WWII in Europe but did serve during the Korean War in Germany as a Tank Platoon Leader in 1952-53. We all packed 45 semi-autos in shoulder holsters and to this day do not know why I did not bring either a Luger or a 45. or an old sword home with me. Just young and enjoying the good times of life I guess. Thanks again to all from this Georgian.
I have a DUO and have fired it enough to be convinced that it and a 1908 Colt are the ONLY .25 autos I would trust enough to use for self-defense, reliability-wise. ("Stopping power" is another story!)

You know Sapello, it is rather simple:
You see how many people respond to your questions, you get motivated to help others.
BTW, for personal protection I would prefer any loose fitting parkerized 1911 over any Luger, regardless of condition or configuration.
I believe latest US Army experience with the 9 mm supports my view.

Have fun responding to other posts.:)
The U.S. Army adopted the 9mm because its NATO allies all used that caliber and the U.S. went along. The U.S. rammed its rifle calibers down NATO's throat, but agreed to change its handgun/submachinegun caliber when (then) existing stock of .45 pistols ran out.

Well, they can still correct the terrible mistake and order new 1911's.
I understand that the Iraq effort is a bit on the expensive side, but, in recognition of the nice Olympics, they could order Norinco 1911's?:D
Enough of that. I think it is the highest duty to send the doughboys WELL EQUIPPED to war, and politics just does not give a 9mm more knockdown power.
BTW recently it was aired on the dutch TV that dutch soldiers going to Afghanistan buy approx. 1500 euros (about 2000 $) worth of better than issued gear. And as guns are heavily controlled in Holland, that does not include back ups or other licensed ordnance.
I think there's a lesson here for both our governments.:barf:
Tom2: the early 1950's still saw a lot of hardship and people would sell most anything during those hard times. Cities were still in ruins; whole areas decimated. I know a carton of cigarette's went a long way getting my laundry taken care of. Do not take me wrong, even then our U.S. Army units, Brits and French were still working as I understand it the "Occupying Force's" and praying that Joseph Stalin's tank and infantry were not fixing to face off with us (as President Truman thought). I have met many Germans and have the highest respect for them except those that liked Hitlers ideas.

I really did not have much time or money to buy anything special (like maybe a Luger or Walther) to bring home; just wish I had done so. I did buy some special family gifts and brought home a beautiful German Shepherd dog, fully trained by the Germans (and who was one heck of a duck retriever). I am glad to see how well the German nation has responded successfully since WWII and wish them well.

I have a Duo 25 acp that needs a firing pin / striker assembly.
Had it for 40 years now, got it from my grandfathers collection when he passed. Never found any parts anywhere, much less anyone that knew what it was. Numrich has no parts for it either.
If y'all know where I could find parts for it, please let me know.

Great Little pistol

I have three of these outstanding pistols. They are all WW2 vintage, and the fit and finish on all are outstanding. I'm always amazed at the fact that even at the height of the war, there was no lowering of standards for the pistol.
Gun handed down

My grandfather past away 2 yrs ago and he left me his guns. One of them being a F. Dusek Opotschno DUO Automat Pistole cal 635 45.

I read the replies based off of Sapellas questions. I have asked a few people and they are not too familiar with this gun. Does it have any value? (Other then sentimental)
No, no value, just throw it away :) In Real Estate, location, location, location. In firearms, as a rule its condition, condition, condition.The DUO is listed in the Standard Catalog of Firearms at 300 in exc down to 80 in poor. However, value is in the eyes if the beholder and their location. A firearm that will sale for one price here in Arizona may sell for 10 dollars more in Florida. These prices are also retail, a dealer will offer you only 50 to 60 percent of value. They might have to keep it for months before it's sold. I have found that anything connected to that era, ( the War years ) whether it's military issue or not, the values seem to be going up. Go Figure, at one time you couldn't even give German guns away, well not really but you could buy a Luger for 20 to 35 dollars in the early 50's. The little 25s were going for as low as 5 t0 10 dollars in central Florida.:confused: