A very serious question for my friends here

Go with the SR-25.

It's value will skyrocket when the bans are on the horizon... Then he could sell it for Massive profit. Or keep it cause if it gets to that point - then he will need the SR-25's abilities.

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

I suggest the Steyr Scout because I am prefer bolt action rifles in all ways.

As for predicting what may happen with potential gun prohibition, in the immortal words of Public Enemy: Fight the Power.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
JJR, Hmmmm. OK, let me look into to what you're saying about NRA pleasing its unthinking constituency (damn I hate it when GUN OWNERS say "What do you need that MAK-90 for?"). Let me try to get to the bottom of this, because I think the higher ups at NRA know that assault weapons or any retrictions on the type of the weapons THEMSELVES that may be imposed, are one heck of a slippery slope that can't be stopped, so they fight hard against (seems to me). Perhaps they make it appear on the surface to the membership at large that they're mostly in a defensive posture around "sporting" arms - and the rest be damned - but it doesn't seem that way from reading Guardian & Rifleman. Do you read these front to back? You didn't offend me, but I just think an inaccuracy was stated (perhaps). Now I'm curious, so more later.
Futo Inu:
Have you not noticed how the NRA has now gotten on the band wagon of SUPPORTING instant background checks?!? I heard an NRA spokesmen say this and almost choked on my milk. While I fully agree that all gun laws imposed should be absolutely enforced (best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it...), I don't agree with this complete about face on something we fought so hard against. By demanding background checks, the NRA is making it most convenient for the Powers that Be to impose a further "waiting period" by deciding that "the network is down."
thaddeus.....if they do declare your weapons illegal......will you turn them in..?....or will you resist....?....history tends to remember its dead rebels rather than its live conformists.....

resistance to tyrrany is obedience to god...thomas jefferson
A group called Citizens Against Guns once proposed that the army and police hunt down and exterminate everyone even suspected of ever having owned any kind of gun, and his/her whole family. Said it was because of the "violence gene", which justified killing even babies. No place to hide from nuts like that, even when they pose as "moderate" governors of states like California and Maryland.

I support your Dad to get what he wants regardless of what the future holds. A. To deny oneself property that the state may deem unworthy of civilian ownership in the future is to live as if the illeagal laws already exist. The law may as well be in effect if it's potential keeps him from buying what he wants. B. If he has what he wants and really likes it he will be even less likely to give it up even if it is required by some beauracrat.