"A very serious carry revolver..."

Marko Kloos

You know that one elusive gun, the one that you always look for at gun shows, the one that would be the Holy Grail of your collection? Well, I found mine today at the gun show in K-town.

The *&* "PC-13" Performance Center Model 13, made in a run of 400 back in 1991 for Lew Horton. A quad-ported Model 13, 3" heavy barrel, DAO with bobbed hammer, trigger overtravel screw, and a full-length shrouded ejector.

Tamara hates me now; I heard a dozen variations of "You suck!" all the way home. We were joking about finding one of these at the show, but I never would have thought I'd see one in the wild, so to speak.

This one's unfired, and I had to part with $695 for it. but it's worth it. This has been the Holy Grail of CCW guns for me for a long time.

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Beautiful, lendringser!

I had one of LH's 3" .44 Specials back in the '80's and sold it. Man, I wish I hadn't done that!

Congratulations on your find!

I was brought along...

...as a professional "purchase consultant". I spent the previous day memorizing chunks of the Blue Book and The Standard Catalog of *&*, brushing up on the prices and production years & numbers of sixguns I knew he was interested in. "Maybe we'll find a 3-inch 657 or 629; perhaps even a Lew Horton", he said.
"Probably," I replied "there've been a lot of brushed aluminum pistol cases at the last couple of shows around here".
"Hey, maybe we'll even stumble across a PC13!".
"Yeah, sure" I retorted, squashing his hopes, "You don't ever see those in real life".


Now, the whole mission of being the "purchase consultant" is to stay calm no matter what the gun is for maximum purchasing leverage, but I blew it with one look at this gun, being a huge Model 13 fan myself. "I've got just enough cash, should I offer him $695 out the door for it?", he asked.
"If you don't," I hissed back "I'll shoot you where you stand, pull the money out of your wallet and buy it myself!".

Cylinder unturned, trigger never pulled (we made the first mark on the frame from the trigger stop ourselves back at the shop), and I've seen them in Gun List lately for as much as $850.

Some folks just have all the luck! (I mean really; if some dude hadn't bought lendringser's AK two aisles previously, we'd've just had to sit and drool helplessly over this beauty...)

edited for clarity... Tam
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Well, since I can't have the gun, I did the next best thing.

The image posted above is now my Windows 2000 wallpaper.

Thanks, Lendsringer, at least I can drool at the purty picture...
"If you don't I will shoot you where you stand, take the money out of your wallet and buy it myself!"
If only I could only get my wife to sound like that...:p
GREAT GUN!!! Two things:
1. Where is K-town?
2. May I correctly assume that it is NOT going to stay in its' current unfired condition?
Jeff. K-Town (some times referred to as Knox-vegas) is smack between Farragut and Strawberry Plains.

Foriegners refer to it as "Knoxville"....

Nice piece

Your PC13 is actually of the second production run. These were very nice revolvers, very limited in quantity, and actually two variations were made all within about 2 months. The first version of this came with Eagle Secret Service grips, and the only to tell the difference between the two production runs is the location of the quad ports. The picture above shows the ports in the barrel rib, on the first production run the ports were cut lower, as part of the barrel where MagNa Port traditionally located them.
Interestingly enough, S&W used different prefix's on the s/n, the first run used HCPxxxx. Lew Horton displayed the prototype at the 1995 Shot Show in Las Vegas, and the first units were shipped a few weeks later in March of that year.
You don't see them everyday for sure.

Thank you, SmithNut!

(Do you know if they've released a second edition of The Standard Catalog... yet?)
To reiterate comments made above and on Saturday, you suck!!!

The more I think about it, the more I think I should have taken off when I had that thing in my hands. I would have had to replace a couple of tires and a window from your shooting my car, but it would have been worth it.

it will not stay in its unfired condition. Guns are there for shooting and carrying, and that's what I'll be doing with this one. It'd be a shame to own the ultimate CCW sixgun and then let it collect dust in the safe. Plus, I figured that I'd be able to sell it even in fired condition quite well. I already have a standing offer of $850 from my roomie. :D
Any recommendations and guesses as to who could rework an existing M13 3" RB with a truly horrible nickel finish into a jewel even modestly approaching this? I'd personally forego the porting, but an action job, hammer bob, a plastic insert (or tritium tube) in the front ramp, and a refinish would really help me get over the fact that I don't have one like Lendy's.
Not sure on the second edition of the Standard Catalog of S&W. In talking to Supica and Nahas a month or so back, they were expecting it to be out in the summer, but because of what they were hearing from the publisher, it could yet be very late in the year.


My K-Comp is a second cousin to this PC-13 but mine is adjustable. I like the looks of yours better so I guess I need to add it to my
"IF EVER...." list. BTW, I think you'll find that it hates lead as I know the K & F Comps both do. Great Gun....dewey