A "truck" gun in hot SUMMER weather?

SgtLumpy said:
Lose the gun, that's tough. Lose the gun and someone uses it to kill someone, um, that's really tough.

Agree wholeheartedly. Even worse, if your gun is really tucked away it might be weeks before you even know it's missing.

It probably won't be a pleasant experience if your gun is found at a crime scene and you traipse into the police station a few days later to report it stolen.

But more on topic - No, your polymer framed firearm will not melt if you leave it in th vehicle.
Does anyone ever feel a little :o when they post in a thread and then find what they posted was already posted in the very same thread?

Don't feel to :o because it happens all the time. People tend to post in a thread without reading the entire thread first. :)
a little off topic

I had a Daisey BB gun in the window rack of my truck when I was in high school one summer. The combination of heat on road vibration caused the barrel to warp and bend downward by about 2" at the end. Granted it was a thin steel barrel with a really thin metal shroud and plastic covering. Had to cut the barrel down to about 1" from the for-end to get it shoot even remotely straight again.
I can only assume that polymer firearm frames are made of much better plastics than the rather flimsy trim pieces found in some cars these days. Since the trim doesn't melt, I wouldn't expect the firearm to either.
I highly recommend nickel-plated ammo, I've seen plain brass degrade pretty quickly in a hot humid car.

Just my opinion, of course, but I think there is a lot bigger problem with leaving a gun in your car than the thing melting or the powder degrading. That's risking having the darn thing stolen. Lose the gun, that's tough. Lose the gun and someone uses it to kill someone, um, that's really tough. And I think if you leave a gun in a car you're partially responsible if something horrible like that happens.

Nonsense, stop blaming yourself for someone else's propensity to commit a crime. Locking your car is the same as locking your home.
stop blaming yourself for someone else's propensity to commit a crime. Locking your car is the same as locking your home.

No I'm not blaming myself for someone else's propensity to commit a crime. I'm patting myself on the back for making it harder for someone else to commit a crime.

Relax on your defensive posture, sir. You're allowed to do whatever it is you like within the law. Doesn't matter if I think it's brilliant or foolish.

Sgt Lumpy
I wonder, SGT Lumpy... if some heathen steals your whole car, then gets into a wreck with it and kills someone... are you gonna feel guilty about that?

Oh for heaven sakes, just relax. No I'm not gonna feel guilty if someone steals my car. If I kept a gun in the car and I wasn't with it, I wouldn't feel guilty, I'd feel irresponsible.

You do what you want.

Sgt Lumpy
The problem isn't someone stealing a gun from your locked vehicle.

It's not someone using the gun in a crime.

The real problem I see may be trying to prove it wasn't you who committed the crime when you're claiming after the fact your gun was stolen. Hopefully you will have a solid alibi.

If you keep a gun in your vehicle (or anywhere else, for that matter) check often to be sure it's still there. If it's gone it won't do you any good if you need it and reporting the loss quickly may keep you out of hot water.
I've had no problems leaving guns in cars for 20 years in TX heat.

About the moral issue, the onus is on the legislators and/or property owners that ban carry. Thus, I should be unarmed for an entire day due to their whim?


BTW and this is second hand, I was told a Kahr polymer grip didn't like the TX heat. True or not, I didn't see it.
Glocks work fine in Texas. I can say that for using them also for about 20 years here in Texas.

I carry my 26 with +p+ 127gr Winchester T series and maybe every 2 years shoot off the ammo in the gun and spare mag. Used to do it every year but I've never had problems with the ammo in hot or cold cars so I now go every 2 years. And since I have a practice Glock 26 I don't need to change ammo in the carry gun much. Just make sure the mag is seated every morning.
