A transferrable MG in California?

I would like to read it as well Tony.

Referring to a correctly re-welded M-14/Garand receiver.

I always thought the bolt lug recesses took the force of
firing and that the rails simply served as a guide for the bolt.
The distance from the selector lug to the bolt roller
would also need to be correct for function.

I've shot several two groove Garands 'back in the day'
when DCM rifles were not as easily available.
The owners seemed satisfied and you really had to look for
the break in the milling pattern inside the right side rail to find the weld.

With the myriad of strange California laws, maybe he REALLY cannot
let you in his shop.

I would be suspect of any 'un-cut' M-14 that did not show an amnesty
registration date, unless the gun happened to be one of the D.O.E. sale guns.

Thanks, Theo.

Let me link it again, just for ease of reference...


I am absolutely not even semi knowledgable in M14s or M1s, and a world away from being an expert. I can only quote what I read in that article, written by a well respected author.

After reading this part of the article, I am not buying any M14 or M1 without doing testing to the gun or a FOIA request (which, unfortunately, might be the same as saying that I'll never buy an M14):

"Have just been looking at the Fulton webpage. Thank goodness someone agrees with me on the M1 rewelds! I have tried to tell dozens of "proud" owners that they have junk - the result usually is the same as calling the guy's wife names. In two cases, the owners insisted on having receivers magnafluxed to prove me wrong; in both cases, I was right - they were rewelds."

Talk about creating instability and insecurity in the market.
He was referring to the fact that there's a link to the article in post #10.

Sorry, I missed the link. WOW!:eek: I really learned something today. When I bought my one and only machine gun, I was considering an M14. I saw the prices on these and thought "Hmm, these are sort of cheap for a .308 full auto rifle..." not knowing anything at all about re-welds. Anyway, for a number of reasons, I decided on an AC556.

After reading that article, that is enough to convince me to stay away from re-welded M14's, or basically M14's in general, as I'm sure I could never afford a real one.
From reading that article, buying an M14 sounds like a bad gamble unless you bring an expert or have the gun 'magnaflux' or particle tested. Sounds scary.

I am officially and permanently out of the market for an M14.
Tony, look around for a transferable FAL. You'll have more fun with it and there are plenty of parts available.
After doing extensive research and talking to some M14/M1A guys, I will never buy an M14 or full auto M1. I heard more than one story of a gun being a cut gun, and the owner not knowing that it was a cut gun. To do a FOIA request or to have the gun magnafluxed is just too much work.

A G3 or FAL would be cool.
The number of scammers and fake ads on sturm and subguns is just amazing.

This morning, I was emailing back and forth for a deal on a HK94. We agree on a price, and I then state that I want to come inspect the gun, in person and pay cash on the spot. I absolutely refused to wire money. Crickets chirping...

Btw, I got banned on subguns forums, my IP blocked, and my posts deleted because I called out a seller for making a fake ad. I won't go into more public details. Very suspicious.