A Strictly Handgun CAS


New member
I have a question. Given the fact that a number of us (I presume) really enjoy shooting our handguns, and cap'n ball revolvers especially, :D why can't there be a class of CAS competition for just us - no rifles, no shotguns, just handguns? The NSSA permits it; why can't the cowboys?

I'm all for it but I don't think the powers that be in Sass would go for it. Most cas shooters seem to be addicted to their rifles and shotguns, even though most cowboys probably carried only a single pistol at most. It would be fun though to use revolvers for everything, especially long range. You'd need at least three or four cap and ball guns to get enough shooting though. Would'nt that be a shame!

Ned Christy
Not enough shots in a pair of sixguns, too slow to reload to run up the round count. I doubt anybody would go for it. I was active when they went to the second sixgun in addition to carbine and shotgun.
Cas -

Gotta keep the po' folk out. You can't shoot CAS without $2K in firearms and another grand in the costume. If you have one C & B handgun and do your shooting in Levis, just stick to the tin can range.


I'll be there, too, popping those soup cans! I'm the old guy with the short grey beard down on the end of the firing line, slowly reloading his <$100 used Remington-clone.


Me? I shoot my pistols in CAS and don't shoot for score. When I ever get my rifle and Shotgun, then maybe I'll compete. Maybe not! I have a blast and don't have a chance of winning anything....'cept a good time. My club told me to bring 4 pistols and shoot the rifle and shotgun targets with my pistolas. Might do it some day.

Greybeard, I'm the short fat guy on the other end of the firing line shooting Juice and water bottles and makeing them jump with my ASP/Euroarms '58 Remmy's with the 44 Rem CF conversion...or the BP cylinders.

I read in the cowboy cronical last year that some sass clubs will be doing a JFF ( just for fun ) catogory . you could just shot one pistol or 2 and no rifle or shot gun if ya wish ..probally just be for style points though . no time .
Sundance: I'd be more likely to go for JFF than the standard timed CAS stages, with the whole cart of firearms you have to haul around with you.

I'm interested in the history (although I'm more interested in realistic than real). I know full well that Wild Bill didn't wander around pulling a gun cart behind! And as for timing and competition-- I'm afraid there's only one person I'm interested in beating, and that's the shooter that I was yesterday! :D
Plain Ole Plinkin'

Hafoc,Sundance, Gray Bear, Ned, and Old Dragoon:

Your sentiments are pretty much he way I feel about this. I surely would enjoy the chance for some plain ole "plinkin' competition", but I get the sense that the highbrows and fat wallets somehow look down on that. What a shame. Dragoon, I once was a member of a pistol club in Tenn., where "bowling pin" shooting was all the rage, using .45 autos, preferably souped up jobs. 'Course, all I had was a '58 Remington and a '51 Navy Colt, but they cleared the table if I held them right. The folks in the club sort'er pitied me, and let me lay my Navy on the table, muzzle downrange, and use it after I'd emptied out the .44. (No reloads, obviously). Point is, it was a strictly pistol game, and it was loads of fun. But they let me in, half way for their amusement, halfway for mine.

(P.S. - They chased me away when I figured out that if you hit the pin in the upper third, below the neck of the pin, with a .22 (I also had a Colt Scout I brought out once) you could knock 'em down nearly recoil free. :D )

your right Hafoc .. i watched a local sass club shoot 2 years ago .. liked it enough to join sass ..but not enough to build a gun cart and do it, shooting for time at my age ... just isn`t in the cards ... but back them targets up to a respectable distance .. and i`d join in anytime they want to do away with the clock and find out who can shoot ..and who can`t .. scares me shooting at flat steel that close . heck i got splatter on just watching .. and it was comming from those in yer face pistol targets ! shooting for speed and time belongs in the ISB shooting clubs ... cowboys took more pride in their shots . just my thoughts .. :(
CAS/SASS seemed really neat on TV. I even called the local contact in Abilene Tx and spoke with him. Yep, $3K just to get started. I'm a po'boy and can't afford all those fancy things. And the guy told me about splatter. He said he took a 45 cal lead slug in the neck while just a spectator. That sounds too risky for me.

I'm lucky enough to have a few acres to shoot on out my back door. And my wife's egg timer works just fine with me if'n I'm inclined to be timed. And I'm still having fun. When I stop having fun, I'll do something else.

Yep, we need a new class of BP shooting - FUN SHOOTING

The different targets and challenges CAS has sound like fun to me. That's the only problem with shooting on the formal range where I do; you can only shoot paper targets, and only at the standard 25 and 50 yards. I would enjoy some challenges, some things that clanged or fell down, and some ranges I didn't know in advance.

Some of my friends say "Come out to the shoot. We're friendly guys, somebody will loan you an extra revolver or a rifle until you get your own." But that's never been the point.

I'm not rolling in the dough, but somehow I came up with enough to buy a new motorcycle a few years ago now. If I really wanted to, I could buy all the guns I needed for CAS. Heck, I could buy two sets-- get a second set in .357 and load it with pipsqueak loads, so that I could Game the System.

But I don't want to. I have never had any use for shotguns, I hate the idea of buying two identical ANYTHING, and, quite frankly, if I wanted to have $3000 tied up in so many game tools I needed a cart to haul them, I would have taken up golf.

Maybe, if those of us who are and wish to remain cartless are not welcome in SASS, we should start our own organization. The Single Action Plinkers' Society, SAPS!

No, um, wait a minute..... :D
Sign me up too.
A class of competition for just us.
Maybe just more classes, one for C&B, revolver, shotgun,
rifle. Horse, no horse.

The new over the hill gang.

It ticks me off and frankly I think it's keeping a lot of people out of the sport.

I can deal with forking out the bucks for a couple of SAA's and a holster rig but I'm simply not interested in a repeating rifle and a shotgut for a minimum of a couple of thousand.

Get smart SASS and CAS! You are screwing a lot of people out of the sport by demanding such a diverse armory for each person.

I want to get involved. However, if I could do it with two SAS's I could start going next month. As it stands now I'd have to buy a rifle I don't want and and a shotgun I don't want to even start at most places.
Im gearing up for some CAS...

I lucked out and found an old model Ruger Vaquero Bisley 44 mag in excellent shape for $279
My Buffalo Hunter Classic set me back $399 ($160.00 + for legal sights :( )
I got a decent holster and cartridge belt for about $67.00
I already had a coach gun :D just bought it on an urge years ago never have fired it yet
on a mission to find a used Marlin Cowboy lever gun in 44 Spec... $400-500 I hope

$250 on duds.. I live in Texas so I already have boots :D

figure I will have 1600-1700 tied up in it by the time I get everything :(

The gun carts kinda amuse me....but I guess it beats luggin all those shootin irons around.

I could have done without the lever rifle..... prefering to shoot the Buffalo Classic only.

Just for fun shoot would be the ticket.....as Im just doing it for the fun of it.

Yor buff classic is strictly for side matches,and all clubs don't offer sides at every shoot.You'll need a lever gun to compete in matches.
The 3000.00 figure is way more than most folks spend on the game.The fancy duds are optional,hat and boots and jeans will get ya in the game.
I think if ya look on the used market 1800.00 is more realistic. Still not chump change,but when were guns cheap?

the idea of a 'just for fun' shoot is a good one.! WE have one old dude who shoots the rifle targers with his pistols and that is his idea of shooting it for fun.At local matches nobody gets anal about it so he just blazes away.:)
my primary interests would be pistol and side matches.... I have seen some suitable use lever action cheaper that I thought they would be...so I am getting one just to compete.

i`ve spent the better part of 2 years getting the long guns for sass ..and still haven`t shot a match .. but i did join so i could get the news paper every month and keep up with whats going on .. guess i need a gun cart now .. oh well ... here`s what i`ve invested ...
2 Pietta 1858 remmies 44`s steel frame .. 175.00 each = 350.00
1 marlin cowboy rifle 1894 45lc...............525.00
1 stoger 12ga uplander sxs ....................350.00
1 H&R buffalo classic 45/70 side match rifle. 360.00
for a grand total of ................................1,585.00 plus some shipping
gonna build a gun cart ...probally spend 100 bucks on it .
already had hosters ...and dress like a cowboy everyday ... no problem .:D
I've never shot CAS but am interested in it. I've seen it on OLN and other TV programs and they all seem to have a common theme which is esentially run down a row of 4 stages and shoot at stationary targets. From what I've seen which I can say isn't that much it looks pretty much straight forward. I've read CAS's website and it gives generalities on how to setup a stage. I don't know but to me to make it more interesting I would prefer to see scenarios that would have been real world siuations to use a firearm in the old west. Can't even say this is my 2 cents since my knowledge is limited. If this is already done please inform me.