A Repository of Reliable Sources & Citations

My favorite link!


Here is a link that I use all the time, it has a ton of PROPERLY CITED statistics on gun control. The site (as you can infer from its name) is unbiased and covers all the controversial topics, not just guns. Please, when stating an argument use the proper citations, this site makes it easy. We can all rattle off numbers to prove gun control does not work but its easy for an anti-gunner to derail your argument if you don't provide a proper citation, especially when debating online.

So, use this like and use the numbers, but when you do make sure you include the original source citation.

Here it is: http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp
Here's a new one for those of us who run into people who love pointing to the UK stats after their ban...

I started here which had a chart that cited this UK Government report

Their gun ban was in 1997.

Their rate just before the ban was hovering around 11 per 1,000,000 people (IMPORTANT! They report in per million, NOT per HUNDRED THOUSAND like the US does. Make sure you convert if you compare) After the ban, it spiked all the way up to a high of 17.9 before edging back down to hovering around 11 in 2010/2011. So they banned guns to get a 10 year spike in homicides, and then returning the same homicide rate.