A real downer of a day

I had a guy who was in the army tell me that he once fired a 1911 and it damn near tore his arm off! :eek: Thing he was in finance.

But I know lots of vets who shoot with us and active folks from the local bases who come out.

Latest analyses of federal laws predict nothing of significance will get passed. That does mean states won't (like NY or CO).
He may be full Bs and not a Marine odd he would talk about killing people thats not the norm I have seen, at any rate he is clueless and the Army takes a back seat no one.
The Army is first in order of march for a reason.:D

That being said, combat isn't an automatic qualifier to make one either a gun expert or an ardent supporter of Civil Rights. Heck, I have my fair share of pretty little trinkets to pin on and I learn stuff here everyday, mostly from folks that have never been down range.

Heck, General Hamilton "Triple-H" Howze, the man most responsible for introducing the concept of airmobility into the United States Army oversaw the confisication of privately held firearms when he was in command of the paratroopers sent to ensure intergration at Ole Miss.

The kicker being that within a few pages of his autobiography he goes from discussing the confiscation of private weapons to talking about the fine shotguns he used when he went hunting in Germany.

MG Felix Sparks, who fought from Sicily to Dachau was a major advocate of an "assualt weapons" ban in Colorado, after retiring as that States Adjudant General.